Musik / rock

These times

Anmeldelser (2)





Mark Deming


"Any fan who has been paying attention already knows the Dream Syndicate aren't going to make another album that sounds like The Days of Wine and Roses (they haven't since 1982), and it's foolish to expect that. But they don't really need to when they're capable of making music as good as These Times; this is passionate and rewarding music from artists still exploring new territory with truly satisfying results".


d. 3. maj 2019



Ed Whitelock

d. 3. maj 2019

"These Times is not a statement record. Wynn and Co. are not here positioning themselves as elder statesmen with a message for the young, at least, not if the message one is looking for is political. If there is a message to be read implicitly among these ten songs it is in the breadth of the musical stylings themselves. Before we began treating it as art, before we began parsing its lyrics for social context and cultural meaning, rock and roll was simply dance music, a collective statement of pleasure at the moment. Wynn's second iteration of the Dream Syndicate seems to embrace the simplicity of rock's origins. They're here to make good music and, if you make it to a show, rock your world. Sometimes, that's all that's necessary".