Musik / electronica


Anmeldelser (2)


2022 April



Marc Fournier

2022 April

"One can never be fully prepared before entering Tanya Tagaq's latest creation Tongues. Bold and experimental, the album is a fierce demonstration of how powerful and untamed the aural collisions between future and ancestral can reveal itself among many contemporary indigenous artists in Canada right now ... Since her album Animism, Tanya Tagaq continues to dig up truth and anger, from an industrial whisper to a cataclysmic scream, while inviting the listener to join her in a personal victory. Pain and anger have always been the raw materials that Tagaq tackled in her work. Her exceptional talent for turning them into something beautiful, on the verge of the sublime, is her biggest strength".


2022 May



Stephen Dalton (musikanmelder)

2022 May

"Inuit throat singer rages against the colonial machine on exhilarating avant-punk album".