Musik / rock


Anmeldelser (3)


d. 30. apr. 2021



Nick Ruskell

d. 30. apr. 2021

"There's the old Oscar Wilde line that we're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. Truly, so confident and perfectly measured are Royal Blood here that, while definitely focused on the stars, they sound like they never noticed the gutter was there in the first place. It's rock'n'roll lit up by a disco ball, and has there ever been a time when we've needed that more?".





Stephen Thomas Erlewine


"Typhoons certainly doesn't sound as garagey or heavy as either of Royal Blood's first two records. There's a swing to the rhythms and a swagger to the duo's delivery, a lightness of touch that is quite appealing. For the first time, Royal Blood sounds like they're having fun and those good spirits are infectious".


d. 30. apr. 2021



Janne Hallman

d. 30. apr. 2021

"Typhoons adskiller sig (...) markant fra de to første albums, da duoen nu i høj grad bruger synths, komprimeret bas og forarbejdede trommelyde. Derudover er flere sange baseret på det typiske EDM-princip 'build up and drop', du ved, hvor musikken pludselig bremses, langsomt opbygges og derefter eksploderer for at skabe eufori ... Problemet er, at det er et stilskift, som Royal Blood ikke mestrer. I stedet bliver det en underlig tandløs hybrid af bluesagtig garage-rock og MagicBox-hits, der sjældent swinger ... Hvis du går tilbage til bandets selvbetitlede debut fra 2014, føler du straks bruset, drivet, dynamikken. Dette høres sjældent på Typhoons".