Musik / rock


Anmeldelser (2)





Mark Deming


"It should come as no surprise that the polarizing reign of Donald Trump and the national malaise that's evolved in his wake would resonate with Farrar, and 2019's Union, the ninth album from his band Son Volt, finds him singing about the specifics of a divided nation in a way he never has before. The elliptical style of Farrar's lyrics often made his themes clear while keeping the specific statement elusive, but Union finds him speaking plainly, at least by his standards, and this turns out to be a mixed blessing ... As it is, it sounds like a brave experiment and a sincere effort to explore new creative avenues, but it's a long way from a rousing success. However, its high points leave one hoping that Farrar doesn't stop speaking his peace next time around".

Glide magazine

d. 29. mar. 2019


d. 29. mar. 2019

"On Son Volt's Union, founder and chief songwriter Jay Farrar addresses the discord in our culture without overstating the obvious or resorting to sloganeering. In fact, the very title of the album reflects his interweaving of rock, folk, country and blues in the material (in itself a metaphor of staunch idealism). But this ninth Son Volt studio release is also a logical extension of its splendid predecessor, Notes of Blue".