Musik / hip hop


Anmeldelser (2)


d. 7. nov. 2017



Sebastian Taylor Bach

d. 7. nov. 2017

"Hollywood Undeads femte album er egentlig fyldt med gode, velkomponerede numre, men lider under en irriterende mangel på en musikalsk rød tråd ... Man skal nok være varsom med at proklamere at Hollywood Undead er blevet voksne, men det er blevet mere interessant og en lille smule mindre karikeret at lytte til amerikanerne".

Cryptic rock

d. 23. okt. 2017



Jeannie Blue

d. 23. okt. 2017

"On Five, there is a lot of dreaming, quite a few notions of California, a pinch of misogyny, and many a mofo, as well as a decided lean toward the group's Hip-Hop stylings. (Which explains a lot of the aforementioned!) If you can accept them at (masked) face value, the truth is, they are often superbly catchy; blending a motley array of sounds flawlessly to create something that is wholly Hollywood Undead. In a time when few acts can truly claim to be original, Hollywood Undead lead the cattle charge of bizarre blends that somehow work beautifully. Kudos to the masked mayhem!".