Musik / rock


Anmeldelser (3)

Distorted Sound

d. 1. sep. 2020



Sam Khaneka

d. 1. sep. 2020

"Vertigo sees Zakk and his star-studded cohorts, Blasko (also of OZZY OSBOURNE fame) and Joey Castillo, performing BLACK SABBATH's debut album in its entirety. It's a brave move to cover one of the most influential and respected rock albums of all time, let alone one that is often credited with being the most definable genesis point of heavy metal as a genre, and the result is certainly a trip ... The result is a curio, but if the first BLACK SABBATH album holds a place in your heart, then this is a fitting tribute by musicians who clearly feel the same way".


d. 30. aug. 2020



Mads Pedersen

d. 30. aug. 2020

"Indrømmet: Jeg har ikke megen fidus til Wylde, hvis stil jeg finder trættende, og hvis attitude på en scene er øretæveindbydende på en måde, som kun de allermest brovtende amerikanere kan være det. Men kan man lægge fordommene fra sig, er 'Vertigo' egentlig ikke nogen dårlig hyldest ... Med andre ord: 'Vertigo' er egentlig ikke noget dårligt bud på en Black Sabbath-coverplade. Men hvad man skal med sådan en, det er straks sværere at sige. Dét koster på karakterskalaen".

Under the radar

d. 16. sep. 2020



Frank Valish

d. 16. sep. 2020

"It takes a heralded rock and roll classic, perhaps the most important and significant record of its genre, and redoes it without shame, without a dip in quality, and with a superiority that makes clear the reverence its players have to its material. And in this case, there is likely no one who could do it better than Zakk Wylde and his Zakk Sabbath".