Musik / klassisk musik 1950 ->

Violin concertos

Anmeldelser (83)

Classics today




David Hurwitz


"Alexander Vedernikov leads the Odense Symphony with the expected expertise, but the focus remains, rightly, on Koh. She really is a star; perhaps this beautifully engineered release will serve notice".

Kulturradio RBB

d. 16. jan. 2016



Kai Luehrs-Kaiser

d. 16. jan. 2016

"Keine andere Geigerin vermag es heute, so blutvoll bissig, turbotemperamentvoll alle Brüchigkeit und zugleich Sensitivität dieses Stückes hervorzukehren ... Fulminant!".





James Manheim


"Throughout, the interpretation satisfies the charismatic aims of this young musician, as does the backing from the predominantly youthful Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra under Sascha Goetzel. Recommended".

The telegraph

d. 27. okt. 2011


d. 27. okt. 2011

" Tchaikovsky comes across with freshness and depth of feeling, fostered by Sokolov's lustrous tone. There is brilliance without ostentation, qualities that apply equally to the Bartók, with the Tonhalle Orchestra providing a luminous backcloth".





James Manheim


"It seems as though a young European prodigy comes along each year and is proclaimed to be the next big thing, but Johan Dalene has the chops to make it last, or so it seems from the evidence here ... Dalene's lively, alert performance is complemented by fine work from the Norrköping Symphony Orchestra under Daniel Blendulf in what is throughout a really impressive debut concerto recording".

Klassik heute

d. 27. mar. 2020



Matthias Thiemel

d. 27. mar. 2020

"Beide hier vorgelegte Violinkonzerte befinden sich bei Dalene in den souveränsten Händen; er spielt wunderbar und reif. Das Norrköping SO unter Daniel Blendulf bildet eine geradezu symbiotische Einheit mit dem Solisten, zu dessen Tugend gehört, dass er auf blosse Effekte verzichtet. Pure Schönheit erfreut bei Tschaikowskys 2. Satz".

DR musik




Jens Cornelius


"Vurdering: Ugens cd" - "Hun har valgt at indspille Tjajkovkijs Violinkoncert med et ret lille orkester, Mahler Kammerorkestret. Det består af unge musikere og dirigeres af englænderen Daniel Harding, der lige som Janine Jansen selv er omkring de 30 år. Sammen får de musikken til at slå gnister!".

RBB Kultur

d. 29. apr. 2019



Hans Ackermann

d. 29. apr. 2019

"CD der Woche: Guy Braunstein spielt Tschaikowskys Musik mit einer Energie, die in der direkten Umgebung des Musikers wie ein starkes Kraftfeld zu spüren ist ... In Tschaikowskys Violinkonzert kann Guy Braunstein seine ganze Virtuosität ausspielen, eingebettet in farbige Orchesterklänge, die das BBC Symphony Orchestra formt. Kirill Karabits sei der ideale Dirigent für diese Musik ... Mit dem "Loslassen seiner Phantasie" folgt Guy Braunstein berühmten Vorbildern ... Fritz Kreisler, Joseph Joachim oder Leopold Auer. Und genau dort gehört Guy Braunstein mit diesem Album".

MusicWeb international

2019 July



Michael Cookson

2019 July

"The main work here the Violin Concerto ... Demonstrating calm authority during this masterwork Braunstein ... throughout plays with clean articulation and pin-point intonation and the Slavic and Russian folk-melodies are particularly evident ... Braunstein has included on this collection the Sérénade mélancolique ... the Valse Scherzo ... Braunstein plays these showpieces beautifully and his performances are enjoyable in every respect. Under the direction of Kirill Karabits, the BBC Symphony Orchestra maintain an elevated level of performanceproviding warm, vibrant playing which is entirely sensitive to the soloist's needs ... From start to finish Guy Braunstein excels, a sterling advocate for Tchaikovsky's glorious works for violin and orchestra".

DR musik

2017 [uge 14]



Jens Cornelius, Frederik Bjerre Andersen

2017 [uge 14]

"Ugens album: Den amerikanske violinist Jennifer Koh er meget glad for Odense. Det var her, hun i 1992 fik sit gennembrud ved Carl Nielsen Konkurrencen ... Odense er bare hendes by - ved siden af Chicago, hvor hun er født, og New York, hvor hun bor ... Sammen med den berømte Violinkoncert får man også alle Tjajkovskijs øvrige stykker for violin og orkester. En meget praktisk og flot samling musik!".


d. 2. dec. 2017



John Christiansen

d. 2. dec. 2017

"Den unge violinist Nemanda Radulovic er godt klar over, at det er noget for sig at indspille Tjaikovskijs to velkendte, ja meget populære værker, violinkoncerten og Rokoko variationerne sammen ... Det er en frisk tolkning, og det er altså godt at høre. Finalen er en fest ... Dirigenten Sascha Goetzel ved, hvad Radulovic vil, og han følger sin solist godt ... Og Radulovic spiller pragtfuldt ... Det er på flere måder en meget personlig cd".


d. 25. nov. 2008



Thomas Michelsen

d. 25. nov. 2008

"Hollandske Janine Jansen er vor tids Anne-Sophie Mutter, og hun har en præcis finger på Tjajkovskijs puls. Britiske Daniel Harding dirigerer derimod mere foroverbøjet end tilbagelænet ... fantastisk er hans tag på romantisk musik ikke. Janine Jansens spil er til gengæld præcist og generøst ... men for at gøre indspilningen mere end trestjernet mangler det store, ordentligt gestaltede orkesterdrama".


d. 18. nov. 2008



John Christiansen

d. 18. nov. 2008

"Janine Jansen ... spiller Tjaikovskijs violinkoncert og Souvenir d'un lieu cher med en åben og frisk tilgang langt fra al tung tradion. Med dirigenten Daniel Harding kan det dog ikke nå over de fire stjerner trods et ungt Mahler Chamber Orchestra, som kommer Janine Jansen i møde".

Berlingske tidende

d. 16. dec. 2008



Søren Schauser

d. 16. dec. 2008

"Tjajkovskijs romantiske violinkoncert er blevet et af vore dages allerstørste hits. Men de færreste spiller den smukkere end Janine Jansen - eller for den sags skyld hurtigere... Hun siger så meget nyt i de toner ... På én eller anden måde noget intimt, noget bekendende, noget meget tæt på. Og dét bliver kun understreget af hendes gennemført diskrete parløb med Daniel Harding foran orkestret".


d. 26. dec. 2016



Thomas Michelsen

d. 26. dec. 2016

"Lisa Batiashvilis nye indspilning ... er sublim. Batiashvili har ikke bare en vidunderlig balance mellem sødme og kontrol i sin tone ... Sammen med den drevne dirigent Daniel Barenboim har hun også et overblik over Tjajkovskijs koncert, der gør, at de to sammen kan samle den ekspressive tresatser til en eksemplarisk helhed ... Men også Sibeliuskoncerten har med sit mørke, rugende og udpræget organiske præg glæde af orkestrets intense koncentration ... En usædvanligt flot indspilning".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 9. nov. 2016



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 9. nov. 2016

"Der bydes på to af musikhistoriens mest elskede violinkoncerter ...Der er grund til at understrege, at Barenboims orkester på denne indspilning på ingen måde står tilbage for Berlins navnkundige filharmonikere, specielt klinger Staatskapelles træblæsere smukt og gør - ikke mindst i andensatsen af Tjajkovskijkoncerten - samspillet med Batiashvili til en udsøgt nydelse".


d. 6. mar. 2017



Thomas Michelsen

d. 6. mar. 2017

"Der findes både historiske og en del nyere indspilninger, som sætter Koh kniven for struben. Det lyder krast, når det rigtig brænder på, og solist og dirigent er tæt på at glide fra hinanden på et kritisk sted. Men orkesterspillet er flot, Kohs mørke måde at få instrumentet til at synge på griber, og sammen får de megen sødme frem i Tjajkovskij".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 11. okt. 2017



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 11. okt. 2017

"Det er sin sag at konkurrere med alle de store violinister, der gennem tiden har indspillet Tjajkovskij, men Radulovic kaster sig over udfordringen med et spil, man måske bedst kan betegne som "djævleblændt". Det er så fascinerende, at instrumentets smægtende klang og de hyppigt overraskende tempoforskydninger (improviserede eller ej) stjæler billedet fra orkestret - og såmænd også fra Tjajkovskij, er man fristet til at tilføje ... Men som et pirrende alternativ fungerer denne indspilning godt nok".


d. 2. feb. 2012



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 2. feb. 2012

"Valerij Sokolovs halvtime lange ægteskab med Tjajkovskij er mørkere, mere varmt og rundere ... ekvilibristisk, men knap så distinkt i tonen ... Til gengæld runder han pladen af lige i synet med Béla Bartóks heftige violinkoncert nr. 2 og viser, at han sagtens kan lade sit instrument danse djævledans i glasklare klange".


d. 2. feb. 2012



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 2. feb. 2012

"Spillet med indlevelse og perfektion som et overdådigt musikalsk måltid med det hele. Langsommelig skønhed med violintoner dansende på en enkelt finger, brede panoramaer og vilde ridt, uden at man på noget tidspunkt mærker den høje tekniske sværhedsgrad som et problem. Det lyder utaknemmeligt, men James Ehnes svigter, fordi det i løbet af de tre satser bliver mere og mere vanskeligt at høre mere musikalsk personlighed end den veltrænede, skolede musikers".

Fono Forum

2007 März



Norbert Horning

2007 März

"Nun stellt die Geigerin Tschaikowskys Violinkonzert mit einer unglaubliche geigerischen Präzision in den Raum, da ist jede Phrase genau abgezirkelt, jeder Effekt genauestens kalkuliert ... Bessere Partner als das Russische Nationalorchester und Yakov Kreizberg konnte sich Julia Fischer für ihr Tschaikowsky-Projekt ohnehin nicht wünschen".

Fono Forum

2019 Juni



Christoph Vratz

2019 Juni

"Das BBC Symphony Orchestra spielt unter Kirill Karabits Tschaikowskys Violinkonzert mit grossen Ambitionen, bleibt aber bei den entscheidenden Wende- und Höhepunkten oft einen zaghaften Schritt unterhalb des Erwartbaren. Guy Braunstein tappt als Solist nie in die Fallen eines süsslichen Spiels ... Seine Verzögerungen sind subtil, sein Ton ist kräftig und kann sich mühelos gegen jedes Tutti behaupten ... Das Ergebnis ist überzeugend".

BBC music magazine

2019 July



Erik Levi

2019 July

"Inevitably, the central work in this enterprising collection of works for violin and orchestra by Tchaikovsky ... is going to be the much-recorded Violin Concerto. It receives a passionate and powerfully committed performance from Israeli violinist Guy Braunstein, and the BBC Symphony Orchestra under Kirill Karabits shapes the orchestral accompaniment with a greater degree of subtlety and sophistication than is often the case ... The rest of the disc encompasses a greater spectrum of emotions ... Most interesting of all are ... 'Pas de deux' from Act I of Swan Lake and Lensky's Aria and the Letter Scene from Eugene Onegin. This last example is particularly compelling, the violin delivering a convincing portrayal of the ardour and breathless excitement that comes to the fore in this much-loved operatic excerpt".


2017 fevrier



Christophe Huss

2017 fevrier

Fono Forum

2016 Dezember



Norbert Hornig

2016 Dezember

"Zwei einprägsame Interpretationen in erfreulich persönlicher Durchformung und mit Teifgang".

BBC music magazine

2017 April



Erik Levi

2017 April

"BBC music concerto choice: The results in this vividly recorded release are certainly impressive ... focusing on poetic intimacy, most obviously manifested in the deeply thoughtful way Batiashvili shapes the warm-hearted melody in her opening".

BBC music magazine

2010 December



Martin Cotton

2010 December

"The recording is honest, and doesn't place Benedetti too much to the forefront picture, but ultimately these are good, serviceable performances - no more, no less".

Fono Forum

2017 September



Carlos María Solare

2017 September

"Jennifer Koh ... kostet die eröffnende Melodie mit Dankbarkeit aus und lässt die dunklen Farben der G-saite glänzen mit einer grosszügigen Prise Portamento ... Die Intonation der Oktaven ist makellos ... Beim Violinkonzert kommt die Leistung des Odenser Sinfonie-Orchesters ... zu voller Geltung. Der Chefdirigent Alexander Vedernikov ... versteht es sehr gut, den Auftritt seiner Solistin effektvoll vorzubereiten und in allen Nuancen einfühlsam zu begleiten".

Fono Forum

2008 März



Norbert Hornig

2008 März

"Baiba Skride sucht nicht das Spektakuläre, nicht den Effekt ... Sie entwickelt vielmehr den Solopart mit Bedacht, spinnt die Melodielinien weit aus, da gibt es keine Eile".

BBC music magazine

2008 July



Julian Haylock

2008 July

"Baiba Skride is arguably the most exciting violin talent to have emerged since Elisabeth Batiashvilli a few years back ... Rather than grabbing the musical bull by the horns at every turn, when Tchaikovsky turns introspective she responds with a series of half-whispered correspondences of entrancing warmth and sensuality – this works particularly well in the reflective outer movements of the Souvenir and the Concerto’s slow movement. Yet for all her phenomenal expertise and expressive subtlety, there is a lack of free-flowing adrenalin during the Concerto’s coruscating finale".

Fono Forum

2016 Mai



Clemens Haustein

2016 Mai

"Vurdering: Empfehlungen des Monats" - "Zwei verwandte Seelen haben sich hier gefunden. Die fantasievollste Geigerin derzeit, Patricia Kopatchinskaja, und der fantasievollste Dirigent, Teodor Currentzis ... So überlegt, so logisch ist, was sie hier präsentiert ... Currentzis und sein Ensemble begleiten brillant und behalten im Hintergrund von Kopatchinskajas Situationstheater immer die Sinnzusammenhänge im Auge".

BBC music magazine

2016 March



Erik Levi

2016 March

"Vurdering: Recording of the month - Vurdering: BBC music choice" - "Both soloist and conductor are in their element in Tchaikovsky ... The force of personality, conviction and unanimity of intention with which the musical argument is projected completely bowled me over".


2016 mars



Rémy Louis

2016 mars


2017, nr. 45



Per Rask Madsen

2017, nr. 45

"De udfordrer vante forestillinger om Tjajkovskijs Violinkoncert med et resultat, der vil provokere purister. Men fra denne stol er indtrykket saliggørende og æggende. Albummet er gennemtænkt ... Currentzis trækker kontrasterne hårdt op, dog uden at gå på kompromis med detaljearbejdet. Den lunefulde Kopatchinskaja kræver med sit rubato en meget lydhør og hurtigt reagerende partner, hvilket MusicAeterna matcher fuldt ud ... Hun er en selvsikker og legende mester på sit instrument ... Currentzis går sin egen vej til Stravinskijs bondebryllup ... Alt er bizart og vidunderligt i Currentzis & co's tolkning ... Ganske uimodståeligt".

BBC music magazine

2012 June



Martin Cotton

2012 June

"His [Ray Chen] first concerto recording maintains his high standards. Both he and Daniel Harding understand the differences between these two masterpieces ... A completely captivating issue".

Fono Forum

2012 April



Christoph Vratz

2012 April

"Warum fesselt sin Spiel, ohne tief zu berühren? Weil Chen (noch) zu wenig melancholisiert, tröstet, träumt, verzweifelt, grübelt, glückweint".

The gramophone classical music guide




"Oistrakh at his sublimely musical and involving best in a work that stood at the centre of his extensive concerto repertoire. DG's 1954 mono recording retains its remarkable sense of presence".


2017 septembre



Jean-Michel Molkhou

2017 septembre

BBC music magazine

2017 May



Helen Walalce

2017 May

"Hadelich's rich tone pays dividends in an arresting, heartfelt Tchaikovsky".

Fono Forum

2017 Mai



Norbert Hornig

2017 Mai

"Auch hier präsentiert sich Hadelich als brillanter Solist, der seinen Part mit grosser Intensität ausformt und Emitionen sehr kontrolliert zu dosieren versteht".

BBC music magazine

2018 March



Erik Levi

2018 March

"Radulović delivers a free-flowing rhapsodic account of Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto, emplying an impressively wide range of tonal colouring and frequent use of rubato ... Radulović also demonstrates remarkable credentials as a viola player in an unusual transcription of the Rococo Variations ... There are also places in the score where this version works really imaginatively".

Fono Forum

2017 Dezember



Christoph Vratz

2017 Dezember

"Dass der Geiger mit dieser Musik seit langem vertraut ist, hört man schnell ... Radulović möchte diese Musik unberechenbar erscheinen lassen. Der Hörer darf sich nie sicher sein, ob nicht im nächsten Takt etwas Unvorhergesehenes geschicht ... Vor allem ... klingt sein Spiel gesanglich und durchdacht ... Die Rokoko-Variationen garantieren ein neues Klangerlebnis, die kammermusikalische Verschlankung und Radulovićs Bratschen-Erfahrung bilden überzeugende Argumente, diese Fassung ernst zu nehmen".

BBC music magazine

2020 March



Julian Haylock

2020 March

"Concerto choice: Dalene's freshness, vitality and interpretative charisma [in the Tchaikovsky] swept me along ... If anything, the Barber is finer still, perhaps the closest anyone has yet come (at least on disc) to the gold standard of Isaac Stern and the New York Philharmonic with Leonard Bernstein ... Dalene plays throughout with an engaging flair, command and emotional range remarkable from such a young player ... This is one of the finest violin debuts of the last decade".

High fidelity

2003 1


2003 1

International record review

2008 December



Peter J. Rabinowitz

2008 December

"In sum, this impressive CD will surely please Jansen's many admirers, but others in search of an up-to-date recording of the Tchaikovsky Concerto should opt for Fischer's".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 41, nr. 4 (2008)



Mogens Wenzel Andreasen

Årg. 41, nr. 4 (2008)

The gramophone

2007 April



Edward Greenfield

2007 April

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "She is characterful in every phrase, with a sparkle and sense of fantasy in virtuoso passages and an inner intensity in the intimate lyrical sections ... she is greatly helped by the conducting of Kreizberg with the Russian National Orchestra, which is both taut and sympathetic, with an ideal balance which allows the soloist the widest range of dynamic".

The gramophone

2019 July



Mark Pullinger

2019 July

"Braunstein's disc, which opens with the Violin Concerto, is bulked out with his own arrangements of the Letter Scene, Lensky's aria ... nicely played but ultimately one misses the vocal line ... Programme quibbles aside, Braunstein plays with slim, wiry tone, zipping along in the concerto neatly ... The BBC Symphony under Kirill Karabits offering safe rather than inspired support ... The concertante works are all attractively played by Braunstein".


2017, nr. 73



Axel Lindhe

2017, nr. 73

"När hörde du senast en klassisk inspelning som riktigt tog andan ur dig? Det händer inte ofta för undertecknad - men ... här blev det knockout direkt. Både solist, dirigent och orkester går "all in". Batiashvilis uttryck är formidabelt: fullödigt, varmt, oerhört virtuost och flyhänt. Och Barenboims orkester går från klarhet till klarhet ... Världsklass ... Det här är 100 procent ren njutning och dessutom en ny självklar förstahandsrekommendation i dessa båda verk".

The gramophone

2017 January



Edward Seckerson

2017 January

"Recording of the month. Editor's choice: Everything feels 'in the moment', a quality of improvisation like music created in the playing of it. Her musicality always comes with an element of surprise ... This is concerto-playing of the very highest order ... Every familiar phrase somehow manages to sound both authoritative and newly discovered ... A delight from start to finish ... A disc full of beautiful and inventive violin-playing from one of the world's most mesmerising talents".

The gramophone

2010 November



Edward Greenfield

2010 November

"Vurdering: G (Gramophone recommends)" - "Altogether a very competitive coupling of two of the great violin warhorses, a credit to a fine young artist and her associates".

The gramophone

2016 November



Mark Pullinger

2016 November

"Koh's sound is toasty warm, a golden darkness to her lower register, with lashings of vibrato. Her reading of the Concerto is expansive ... It's a comfortable reading to really wallow in. Koh's playing is assured ... full of romantic yearning".

The gramophone

2016 February



Andrew Mellor

2016 February

"Teodor Currentzis and his Perm orchestra MusicAeterna are on pungent form in the Stravinsky, a worthy successor to their terrific Rite of Spring ... I'm a huge admirer of Kopatchinskaja and Currentzis as risk-takers. Inevitably, there are going to be times when those risks don't come off. Alas, this [Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto] is one of those occasions ... A total rethinking ... and you may well find it more to your taste than mine".

International record review

2012 July/August



Nigel Simeone

2012 July/August

"Chen's Tchaikovsky is impeccably disciplined ... It's an indicator of Chen's well-groomed good taste ... There's not a note out of place, but where's the danger? Where's the fire? ... Ultimately too restrained and impersonal ... The Mendelssohn is better suited to Chen's style, and he spins the opening line most elegantly ... Still, the graceful vitality and pinpoint accuracy of Chen's playing is heard to best advantage here".

The gramophone

2012 June



Duncan Druce

2012 June

"Vurdering: Recording of the month - Vurdering: Gramophone choice" - "Magnificent technique, of course; the trickiest passages seem like child's play to him. But what impresses most is Chen's musicianship - he's able to make the listener aware of the emotional import of each phrase, apparently spontaneously, as though he's only just considered playing it that way ... All in all, a most impressive release".

The gramophone

2013 July



Andrew Achenbach

2013 July

"Nemtanu amends with her coupling, mind you, a refreshingly discerning concert performance of the Tchaikovsky Concerto with her mentor Kurt Masur a warmly understanding partner on the rostrum ".

International record review

2013 June



Nicholas Anderson

2013 June

"Friends making firn music for a great cause - and tgeir vitality is infectious".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 38, nr. 2 (2005)


Årg. 38, nr. 2 (2005)

Klassisk musik

2005, nr. 1


2005, nr. 1

The gramophone

2017 March



Mark Pullinger

2017 March

"Two violin concertos - Tchaikovsky's and Édouard Lalo's Symphonie espagnole - show very different sides of Augustin Hadelich ... Hadelich's Tchaikovsky is lean, ... [he's] mood is rather introverted, lending a tender fragility to his soliloquies ... Where Hadelich's Tchaikovsky is a touch polite, his Lalo ... bursts with character. There is plenty of beef here, both in the violin tone and in the LPO's partnering, Omer Meir Wellber drawing out Spanish fire and stamping heels".


d. 23 kunst & kultur. feb. 1999


d. 23 kunst & kultur. feb. 1999

High fidelity

2003 2


2003 2

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 18. nov. 2002


d. 18. nov. 2002

Berlingske tidende

d. 6. mar. 2002


d. 6. mar. 2002

The gramophone

2011 December



Duncan Druce

2011 December

"Valeriy Sokolov has the measure of both of these concertos and sounds entirely comfortable coping with their different technical demands ... with an alert, spirited and clearly balanced orchestra, these performances are certainly recommendable".


2020, nr. 94



Camilla Lundberg

2020, nr. 94

"Dalene har en smittande esprit och fräschör i sin Tjajkovskij som övervinner mig. Samuel Barbers 50 år yngre violinkonsert med sin vemodiga och luftiga lyrik passar Johan Dalene, Daniel Blendulf och Norrköpings-symfonikerna perfekt".


2020, nr. 57


2020, nr. 57

"Sidste år i marts var Johan Dalene solist i Tjajkovskijs Violinkoncert i Odense ved finalen i Carl Nielsen Konkurrencen ... En frisk og karismatisk fortolkning ... gjorde ham til vinder af konkurrencen ... Den tilstedeværelse han præsterede i Odense, finder man også på denne cd".


2020 avril



Jean-Michel Molkhou

2020 avril

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

The gramophone

2020 February



Edward Seckerson

2020 February

"Editor's choice: From the shaping of his solo entrance in the Tchaikovsky alone there's a 'presence' about Johan Dalene's playing that announces a musician of special sensibilities ... The most striking thing about this young Swedish player is the complete absence of showiness or indeed any sense of virtuosity on display ... The Barber really suits Dalene ... [They] deliver a throughly coherent and embraceable view of the piece with the soloist in the best sense an integrated part ... It is testament to a maturity way beyond his years that he comes close to breaking your heart with it. His future is bright indeed".

International record review

2012 February



Nigel Simeone

2012 February

"Two new recordings of the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto from leading violinists [James Ehnes, Laurent Korcia], both attractively coupled. These are extremely worthwhile performances and they make a fascinating contrast with each other ... there's no simple verdict here ... If the couplings appeal, then either or both of these releases should give great pleasure".

The gramophone

2012 March



Duncan Druce

2012 March

"Both [Julia] Fischer and Ehnes are very fine violinists with a strong feeling for Tchaikovsky's music, and both possess the refined musicianship to be able to present the Concerto's transitions and cadenza-like passages in the most convincing, compelling way. The sound of Ehnes's violin is especially full and expressive ... exceptionally warm and resonant. He clearly enjoys demonstrating his ability as a virtuoso ... with the Sydney Symphony responding to the verve of the solo playing with exhilarating vigour and deftness ... Splendidly done".

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