Musik / pop


Anmeldelser (3)


d. 18. maj 2018



Hannah Mylrea

d. 18. maj 2018

"On Voicenotes' Puth doesn't always get it right; but for the most part he's managed to shed his squeaky-clean reputation. After the beige offering of his debut, album two puts his stellar songwriting and cheeky lyrics front and centre, and in doing so, starts to carve him a place as a popstar in his own right".





Andy Kellman


"Charlie Puth went from YouTube likes to RIAA certifications with such swiftness that he caught a serious case of stardom bends. He had most of the symptoms, including a hastened, compromised debut album, resultant awkward performances, and a bad reaction to the public eye. While Voicenotes can be loosely classified as a fame-response album - a category distinguished by works that are woeful in character and quality - it counteracts Puth's artistic frustrations and in every aspect surpasses Nine Track Mind. Rarely is it overblown and stagey, with Puth generally sounding more at ease, and absolutely invested in the songs".

Gaffa [online]

d. 15. maj 2018



Sara Elisabeth Nedergaard

d. 15. maj 2018

"Charlie Puth er fra Berklee College of Music (der har alumner fra St. Vincent til Quincy Jones) og er en rigtig pitch perfect kinda guy. Hans vokal er mere end i orden, han har selv produceret hele albummet, og han har en klar vision om at være 2018's svar på Boyz II Men og New Edition. Kommer han i mål? Ikke helt".