Musik / rock

Vortex of disgust

Anmeldelser (3)


d. 13. mar. 2023



Thune Kirk

d. 13. mar. 2023

"'Vortex Of Disgust' er måske ikke et album, der kommer med på alle lister når året gøres op, men en god og jævn dødsmetal-forestilling med absolutte lyspunkter der vil muntre de fleste genre-inficerede op. Tiago Dias er klart et plus for bandets lyd og pladens rådne og organiske sound er værd at bemærke. Et fint og udmærket album, med blændende højdespringere, perfekt at putte i ørerne og gå foråret i møde med".

Distorted Sound

d. 16. mar. 2023



Danny Sanderson

d. 16. mar. 2023

"There are lots of brilliant twists spread throughout this album that it's a shame weren't explored more thoroughly, but it's very hard to find fault with this record; Vortex Of Disgust is old school death metal done exceptionally well, and with enough character and sonic range to make it stand apart significantly from the sea of bands who peddle poor imitations of a classic formula".

Angry metal guy

d. 11. mar. 2023



Steel Druhm

d. 11. mar. 2023

"I really want to like Vortex of Disgust more than I do because this particular style of death suits me to the T. As it stands, however, I will poach the best songs for playlists and move on to stinkier gravesites. Bastard Grave remain locked in that second tier of death, held back by their writing skills. They have the talent and the sound though. Now they just need the songs. In short, no burning need to visit this particular Grave, you grave visiting bastards".