Musik / rock

We are ever so clean

Anmeldelser (1)


2022 March



Jim Wirth

2022 March

"Reissue of the month" - "We Are Ever So Clean is an insanely over-orchestrated psychedelic blancmange, producer Gomelsky and his arranger David Whittaker kicking off their special-effects orgy by plastering a string section, brass band, backward guitar and multi-part harmonies over Godding's micro-rock opera "Look At Me I'm You". He rarely let up hereafter ... However, there are some tremendous songs buried beneath the studio trickery. Godding demonstrates an excitable sideline in mournful Zombies-style balladry (...), while [other songs] are perfect exemplars of the Alice In Wonderland school of British psychedelia, mod-ish R&B through a lysergic looking glass".