"Remastered from Grammy-award-winning producer Christopher King's expansive archive of 78rpm recordings, every square inch of these songs brims with primal indignance, a sense that when times are tough, you break out the booze, sing louder, and dance more fervently ... The 28 tracks (...) sound nothing like the chirpy, cheery music of those Athenos feta commercials - in fact, it sounds downright inhospitable at times, closer to free jazz or even drone music. The instantly-recognizable bouzouki is largely absent, as is any distinguishable melodic patterns, with fiddles, lutes, and thunderous drums kicking up a maelstrom in its stead. The pipiza (a blaring, needle-sharp wind instrument) takes on a role akin to a jazz saxophone, screeching stream-of-consciousness phrases above the din like a furious harpy. And yet - these are celebratory songs with clear form and purpose, defined dances that continue to be performed to this day, if not on a national scale then a local one".