Musik / folkemusik

Wild goats & unmarried women

Anmeldelser (2)

The guardian

d. 20. mar. 2014



Robin Denselow

d. 20. mar. 2014

"You don't need to travel to hear great global music. She'Koyokh are a multi-lingual eight-piece British band whose members include a classically trained violinist and clarinettist, a Serbian accordionist, an American mandolin player, a Greek percussionist and a remarkable young singer who is a Turkish Kurd. They started out busking in London's Columbia Road flower market, and have developed into impressive exponents of klezmer and traditional styles from Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Turkey and the Balkans. Their jaunty and slinky instrumental pieces include a Russian jazz favourite from the 30s and a Turkish folk tune inspired by the mating habits of goats. They also include an exquisite Bosnian love song, featuring the brooding and stately singing of Çiğdem Aslan".


2014 May



John Pheby

2014 May

"This is the story of a restless band who keep taking in the next horizon, and the next one, becoming one of the more unpredictable of klezmer ensembles in the process, but also achieving a rare majesty of sound ... There's manouche and menace in the Romanian Tiganeasca De La Pogoanele (...), while the desperate Greek lament, Selanik Türküsüis, a love song about illness and imminent death, ranges, as it should, from a fraught quietude to a primal clarinet wail, Çiğdem Aslan's cracked and elegiac vocals caught in a perfectly honest moment ... After numerous extra-curricular projects, including Susi Evans playing through a brace of atmospheric albums by her other band, London Klezmer Quartet, and a set of storming reviews for Aslan's luminous rebetiko release a few months ago, comes this smouldering record. The whole is an unsentimental but graceful deconstruction of the familiar, allied to emotional and story-telling vocals and inquisitive and daring playing, throughwaltzand high drama, almost into revelation".