"This is the story of a restless band who keep taking in the next horizon, and the next one, becoming one of the more unpredictable of klezmer ensembles in the process, but also achieving a rare majesty of sound ... There's manouche and menace in the Romanian Tiganeasca De La Pogoanele (...), while the desperate Greek lament, Selanik Türküsüis, a love song about illness and imminent death, ranges, as it should, from a fraught quietude to a primal clarinet wail, Çiğdem Aslan's cracked and elegiac vocals caught in a perfectly honest moment ... After numerous extra-curricular projects, including Susi Evans playing through a brace of atmospheric albums by her other band, London Klezmer Quartet, and a set of storming reviews for Aslan's luminous rebetiko release a few months ago, comes this smouldering record. The whole is an unsentimental but graceful deconstruction of the familiar, allied to emotional and story-telling vocals and inquisitive and daring playing, throughwaltzand high drama, almost into revelation".