Musik / blues

Winning hand


Summary: Armed with his signature molten licks, melodic riffs, and rousing, intense solos, Ellis, as his legions of fans will attest, is among the blues world's best-loved, hardest working, and most well-traveled statesmen.

Anmeldelser (2)

Blues rock review

d. 22. jan. 2018



Steve Ovadia

d. 22. jan. 2018

"Winning Hand is a solid guitar record with a production quality that's atypical of the blues guitar genre. It also helps that Ellis is a phenomenally tasteful player. In fact, if there's one issue with the album, it's that it sounds a little too perfect. Ellis never cuts loose or goes wild. In many respects, it's a tribute to his discipline and respect for the songs. But sometimes listeners just want to hear a talented guitar player blow everyone away, if only for just one track".

Living blues

2018 February



Henry L. Carrigan

2018 February

" ... a palpable spirit of joy emanates from every song on his new album, no matter what the subject. From the searing lead solo on the album opener, Sound of a Broken Man, to the slow, snaking riffs of the album closer, Saving Grace, Ellis owns the songs he plays and sings, inviting us to live those songs with him".