Musik / rock

You're welcome

Anmeldelser (3)


d. 24. maj 2017



Nina Corcoran

d. 24. maj 2017

"Filled as always with ridiculously catchy garage-pop hooks, Wavves' sixth album is caught between exploring something new and rehashing something old ... Effortless garage pop is what made Wavves a king of the beach years ago, and since then, they've moved in and out of lo-fi bedroom records to a roided-out major label sound to something that's locked into a mode like early Devo left out in the sun for too long".

Record collector

467 (2017 June)



Kevin Harley

467 (2017 June)

"Escape from a major label does Nathan Williams the world of good on his eighth album as Wavves. Signs of optimism had already pierced the brat-punk nihilism of his last album for Warners, 2015's V, where supercharged melodies alleviated the slump of morning-after lyrics. But You're Welcome ups his game, injecting infectious doses of glam-punk muscle, melody and engagement into Wavves' trademark surf-punk melees".





Tim Sendra


"Nathan Williams could have kept cranking out fun and frothy albums like V with little effort; it's good that he decided to stretch his creative muscles a little on You're Welcome. It's even better that he came up with a smart and compulsively listenable update on the Wavves sound that kept all their rambunctious energy, but also added some fun tricks and treats".

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