Music / rock

11 past the hour

Reviews (3)





Matt Collar


"Having transformed her sound with 2017's empowered Life. Love. Flesh. Blood, Ireland's Imelda May continues her bold artistic metamorphosis with her sixth studio album, 2021's 11 Past the Hour. At turns dusky and ebullient, 11 Past the Hour builds nicely upon May's past work as she continues to move away from the twangy retro-rockabilly of her early years and fully embrace the anthemic, yet still organic pop/rock she showcased on Life. Love. Flesh. Blood ... With 11 Past the Hour, May has crafted a generous, collaborative album that feels like she's lifting others up, just as they are lifting her".

American songwriter




Hal Horowitz


"All artists aiming for lasting careers reinvent themselves, some more successfully than others. In Imelda May's case, this commercial shift seems a deliberate way to attract a larger audience, sell more albums and raise her star profile. In doing so, it often, but not always, dissipates much of what made her talents so distinctive to begin with".

Glide magazine

d. 13. Apr. 2021



Jim Hynes

d. 13. Apr. 2021

"May says the album is "my truth," rattling off a litany of emotions she wants to convey. Yet, although she admits to being purposely eclectic, it sounds as if there is too much experimentation at play. There are some great songs here, but a more organic, less produced kind of musical accompaniment would arguably strengthen the material".