Music / kor


Reviews (7)

Kulturradio RBB

d. 11. June 2018



Bernhard Schrammek

d. 11. June 2018

"Unter dem Titel "Abendmusiken" haben die Ensembles Vox Luminis und Masques fünf Kantaten und drei Triosonaten von Buxtehude eingespielt. Als Gesamteindruck fällt beim Hören die schlichte Pracht auf, mit der die 10 Sänger und 8 Instrumentalisten diese Spitzenwerke des norddeutschen Barock interpretieren. Nirgends wird Effekthascherei betrieben, nirgendwo werden Tempi zu stark forciert oder dynamische Kontraste unnötig aufgeblasen. Stattdessen dominieren eine makellose Intonation, sehr gute Textverständlichkeit und vor allem eine grösstmögliche Homogenität ... Überdies funktioniert das Zusammenspiel mit den Instrumentalisten von Masques hervorragend. Schöner als in dieser sanft und geschmackvoll vergoldeten Form kann man Buxtehude kaum aufführen".

Presto classical

d. 22. June 2018



David Smith (musikanmelder)

d. 22. June 2018

"Recording of the week: Buxtehude's solo-verse settings are definite highlights. Bass Sebastian Myrus's 'Trotz dem alten Drachen' shifts nimbly between the spikily defiant and the self-assured ... The story of Bach's visit to Lübeck has been passed down the ages, and it's wonderful finally to be able to hear for ourselves what all the fuss was about - pace The Proclaimers, these are definitely performances worth hiking three hundred miles to hear!".

MusicWeb international

2018 August



Johan van Veen

2018 August

"This is a very attractive disc, despite some shortcomings ... The singing of Vox Luminis is generally of the high standard we have come to expect. The Ensemble Masques plays well ... The programme largely consists of better-known pieces from Buxtehude's oeuvre and lovers of baroque vocal music may have one or several recordings of them in their collection. Even so, considering the quality of the performances they should not hesitate to add this disc to such a collection".


2018 décembre



Gaëtan Naulleau

2018 décembre

BBC music magazine

2018 August



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2018 August

"Choral & song choice: They mix cantatas and trio sonatas with a judicious flair ... Nothing is over-stated or under-nurtured; and Meunier always finds a deeply human dimension to Buxtehude's piety that taps into the bürgerlich bonhomie of the sonatas. Rich, lively and truthful, the recorded sound consummates a seductively considered disc that pretty much never puts a foot wrong. Hanseatic heaven!".

Classical music

2018 August



Adrian Horsewood

2018 August

"All are performed deftly and beautifully by the small combined ensemble ... with an excellent recorded sound".

The gramophone

2018 September



Lindsay Kemp

2018 September

"Editor's choice: This is music of expressive variety and flexibility, ideally suited to the skills of Vox Luminis, whose name on a release these days is enough in itself to spark a tingle of anticipation. They do not disappoint, charting the emotional contours of Buxtehude's music with exquisite understanding and demonstrating their now familiar deep but lucid choral blend, out of which expertly executed solos emerge and return ... This is another outstanding release from Lionel Meunier and his team".