Music / blues

Alive in Amsterdam

Reviews (2)

Blues rock review

d. 22. July 2016



Meghan Roos

d. 22. July 2016

"The blues community embraced Trout when he was ill, rooted for his quick recovery and organized tribute concerts to show support. When he took the stage last fall in Amsterdam and performed "I'm Back," his performance was more than just a Luther Allison cover: it was a declaration and a promise, and boy were his fans glad to hear it".

Get ready to rock!

d. 7. June 2016



Pete Feenstra

d. 7. June 2016

"If too many live albums are a poor excuse for a creative drought then 'Alive In Amsterdam' is that rare thing, a true document of a memorable night. It also marks a stellar return for Walter Trout with something new, something old, something borrowed and definitely the blues".