Music / rock

Different shades of blue

Reviews (2)

Gaffa [online]

d. 22. Sep. 2014



Henrik Friis

d. 22. Sep. 2014

"Især første halvdel af albummet virker inspireret med fin gammeldaws grødet produktion krydret med swingende blæs, doo-wop, groovet bund m.v., mens Bonamassa klædeligt sparer på tone-sprøjteriet fra gribebrættet og i stedet koncentrerer sig om tålmodig helhed og feeling. Og selv om vi senere skal igennem mere gennemsnitligt stof, slutter det hele med den smukke jazz-piano-ballade So, What Would I Do og bevidner, at vi har med et kvalitetsudspil at gøre".





Steve Leggett


"The clear highlight here, and undoubtedly already or soon to be a high point of Bonamassa's live shows, is the stately and powerful "Oh Beautiful!," which alternates between hushed vocals and slashing, soaring electric guitar breaks, a sort of 21st century version of Blind Willie Johnson adorned with tone washes and blistering guitar. It's a striking and timeless recording, and a great blues song by anyone's standards. The problem here, though, is that with the exception of the above songs, and maybe one or two others, the songs on Different Shades of Blue shade toward the generic side of things".