Music / kor

All-night vigil

Reviews (20)

Kulturradio RBB

d. 16. Feb. 2016



Astrid Belschner

d. 16. Feb. 2016

"Dies ist Rachmaninows letzter Beitrag zur russischen Kirchenmusik ... Der Chor beweist, dass er zu den besten Chören überhaupt gehört: er verfügt über einen edlen, tragenden Klang, eine große Dynamik und Ausdrucksstärke. Zusammen mit perfekter Intonation und Ausgewogenheit und einem schier endlosen Atem des Chores, nimmt einen diese Interpretation gefangen, ohne einen zu vereinnahmen".

MusicWeb international

2023 February



Ralph Moore (musikanmelder)

2023 February

"Recording of the month: Numbering 32 members, the Clarion Choir might presumably somewhat smaller than the standard Russian cohort, so this is obviously a different, more intimate account, but there is no lack of weight, volume or virtuosity in their delivery ... I do not speak Russian but love the sound of the language and it seems to me that Steven Fox's choir pay special care to enunciating the sacred text correctly and meaningfully as part of a liturgy lived in faith rather than a concert performance ... While so much of the Vigil is soulful and mysterious, the brief, concluding hymn, "To Thee, O Victorious Leader" is like the joyful pealing of bells and reflects my own reaction to this uplifting enterprise".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 8. Feb. 2012



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 8. Feb. 2012

"Vor Frelsers Kirkes Kor fra Esbjerg, der er en frodig blanding af konservatoriestuderende, professionelle samt dedikerede amatører, fører os med deres nye cd ind i det velklingende og fremmedartede univers, som den ortodokse russiske kirke rummer ... Koret synger godt, kyndigt ledet af Mikkel Andreassen, og de to solister glider fornemt ind i helheden".


d. 2. Feb. 2004


d. 2. Feb. 2004


2016 juillet-août



Benoît Fauchet

2016 juillet-août

Fono Forum

2016 Mai



Marcus Stäbler

2016 Mai

"Nicolas Fink und der WDR Chor erreichen mit ihrer live enstandenen Aufnahme vom 2013 keinen Spitzenplatz in der internationalen Konkurrenz ... Trotz des stimmlichen Kraftaufwandes erreicht der WDR Chor nicht die klangliche Fülle und Pracht".

BBC music magazine

2023 May



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2023 May

"Just as Rachmaninov's 'orchestrates' with his voices, subdividing them into seven and even eight parts, contriving myriads groupings, so Fox 'plays' his choir, moulding the 32 singers into a single expressive instrument, attuned to his silkily nuanced dynamics and careful husbanding of climaxes. Lovingly sculptured, the refulgent soundscapes glow ... The many deliquescent cadences beguile; and ... John Ramseyer's solo is swaddled in a gently swaying choral caress".


2023 février



Benoît Fauchet

2023 février

BBC music magazine

2013 March



David Nice

2013 March

"The Rachmaninov of Latvia's outstanding professional choir presents a golden mean between the uniquely open-throated but not always pitch-perfect Glinka Choir of the hallowed St Petersburg tradition, and the more reserved tones of English choral contenders ... The range of dynamics ... is stunning: have the climaxes ever blazed quite like this? ... This performance is a remarkable achievement".

Fono Forum

2013 März



Marcus Stäbler

2013 März

"Der Lettische Radiochor musiziert auf einem dementsprechend hohen Niveau. Unter Leitung von Sigvards Klava betört das 1940 gegründete Ensemble vor allem mit seiner Klangpracht ... Was die Intonationsgenauigkeit angeht, ist die Aufnahme allerdings nicht immer sorgfältig durchgehört, und auch in puncto Homogenität bleiben einige Wünsche offen".

BBC music magazine

2016 Christmas



Oliver Condy

2016 Christmas

"A fine tribute to John Scott - this is accomplished singing, the boys' voices forthright, the men ever sensitive to blend. Exemplary tuning. It pips the LSO Chorus for clarity and shape".

BBC music magazine

2024 May



Alexandra Wilson (musikanmelder)

2024 May

"Choral & song choice: There are some jaw-dropping bass sonorities here, but the overall impression is far from sombre: indeed, what is most surprising is the sense of lightness and tenderness that emerges from using high male voices ... This is a performance of deep spiritual meaning. Never hurried, conductor Ekaterina Antonenko pays painstaking attention to dynamic detail and carefully shaped phrases ... A performance in which all singers, soloists and choristers alike, exhibit an astonishing mastery of vocal legato. A familiar work is reinvented with gorgeous results".

The gramophone

2023 March



Ivan Moody (f. 1964)

2023 March

"Recordings of Rachmaninov's Vigil service (Vespers) used to be rare jewels in the choral universe ... The Clarion Choir's sound is distinctly darker, and much is made of the interventions of priest and deacon ... They have plenty of low bass power on display. That bass power facilitates a tremendously cavernous ending to the famous 'Nyne otpushchaeshi'".

The gramophone

2013 February



Malcolm Riley

2013 February

"Vurdering: Recording of the month - Vurdering: Gramophone choice" - "There is a wonderfully kaleidoscopic palette of vocal colours throughout, with plenty of sonorous bloom for those celebrated deep bass notes ... This is a sublimely beautiful yet rapturous recording".

International record review

2012 December



William Hedley

2012 December

"You would need to go far to hear a richer, more rounded alto section than this. They are supported by a wonderfully firm bass line ... You want to single out each section for particular praise: the gloriously clear-toned and vital sopranos an the ardent, sweet-voiced tenor section ... ensure for this disc a place amongst the most satisfying avaiable".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 26. Mar. 2001


d. 26. Mar. 2001

Berlingske tidende

d. 3. Jan. 2001


d. 3. Jan. 2001

The gramophone

2016 September



Ivan Moody (f. 1964)

2016 September

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Blagoslovi, dushe moya' [is] daringly slow; Scott knew the capabilities of his singers, however, and it works superbly, with Ory Brown the excellent soloist ... It is a magnificent rendition, showing just how this masterpiece has been convincingly absorbed into the wider choral tradition, and I recommend it very highly indeed".

The gramophone

2024 April



Malcolm Riley

2024 April

"In recent years there has been almost an embarrassment of fine recordings of Rachmaninov's All Night Vigil ... Where this 2022 recording differs from its rivals is that it features an all-male choir, the PaTRAM Institute Choir ... The recorded sound favours the higher basses and lower tenors somewhat. However, the fervour of the singing cannot be faulted. An interesting endeavour, but not a first choice".