Music / kor

An English coronation, 1902-1953


Det engelske kroningsritual med liturgiske og royale ceremonier samt musik fra 4 engelske kroninger i det 20. århundrede: 1902 (Edward VII), 1911 (George V), 1937 (George VI) og 1953 (Elizabeth II), hovedsaglig baseret på 1937-kroningen ; oplæsning ved Simon Russell Beale.

Reviews (4)

Presto classical

d. 1. June 2019



Katherine Cooper

d. 1. June 2019

"Editor's choices - May 2019: This collage of music from four English coronations is a hot contender for one of my Records of the Year; its hair-raising impact is partly down to the vintage glow conjured by the use of authentic woodwind and brass instruments, but the record's main glory is the full-throated exuberance of the massed choirs including the young voices of Gabrieli ROAR, clearly having the time of their lives. You'll never hear a more electrifying I was glad on disc".

BBC music magazine

2019 June



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2019 June

"An English pick-and-mix fantasy coronation drawing on those of Edward VII, Georges V and VI, and Elizabeth II; a project delivered with McCreesh's customary attention to detail. It's a labour of love and sounds it ... Incisive in the orchestral works - what scintillating woodwind playing he secures in Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 - McCreesh is at his considerable best in the choral items ... Vivanti the Gabrielis".

The gramophone

2019 June



Jonathan Freeman-Attwood

2019 June

"Editor's choice: On his tireless voyage of ceremonial and liturgical reconstruction, Paul McCreesh's 20th-century coronation anthology is arguably his most ambitious and intricate to date ... Some may find the extensive spoken liturgy excessive but such is Simon Russell Beale's compelling delivery that the sheer beauty of the words offers a musical diversion of a different kind. Most impressive, perhaps, is how extremes of unalloyed opulence sit so movingly alongside intimate supplication ... One can imagine the virtuosity required by every contributor, at every turn, to make this a reality, let alone a dazzling triumph".


2019 septembre



Maximilien Hondermarck

2019 septembre

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".