Music / rock

An evening of New York songs and stories

Reviews (2)

American songwriter

d. 11. Sep. 2020



Lee Zimmerman

d. 11. Sep. 2020

"In many ways An Evening Of New York Songs and Stories could be considered a reboot for an artist whose output has been relatively sparse in recent years. And yet, with age and maturity, she's found her fit with an audience that's happy to gave grown along with her. Few artists are so capable of making music that allows intimacy to emote so expressively".





Mark Deming


" Suzanne Vega was a talent to watch when she was playing Folk City in the West Village in the mid-'80s, and on An Evening of New York Songs and Stories in 2019, she reminds us she's more than lived up to her promise and remains a quietly charismatic performer with plenty of songs worth hearing".