Music / folkemusik

An introduction to The Watersons, Waterson:Carthy

Reviews (2)

Folk radio UK

d. 22. Mar. 2018



Aaron Jackson

d. 22. Mar. 2018

"It is by turns powerful, thrilling, moving, emotive, and educational - all things that folk music has been said to be throughout its many iterations. While I have my doubts as to whether this will serve as an introduction to any but those already initiated (although I sincerely hope it does) it is a superb and timely retrospective of a vital shaping force in contemporary British folk".


2018 Spring


2018 Spring

"Good" - "An all-embracing primer collection presenting fifteen representative, enthralling examples culled from eleven recordings of the massively influential family group in sundry permutations, usefully including solo releases and expanded group lineups. A great vantage point from which to survey four decades' achievements".

Information and editions