Music / rock

Another eternity

Reviews (3)

Gaffa [online]

d. 28. Feb. 2015



Rune Schlosser

d. 28. Feb. 2015

"Den canadiske duo har fået skruet noget solidt materiale sammen på Another Eternity, særligt live er denne anmelder helt overbevist om, at dette bliver en sand fryd. Men pladens leflen for live-elementer gør desværre også, at den måske ikke når helt derop, hvor Purity Ring helt sikkert stadig har potentiale til at være".

The observer

d. 1. Mar. 2015



Corinne Jones

d. 1. Mar. 2015

"The most interesting songs couple uneven rhythms and admirably sparse beats, best exemplified on the single Push Pull. As a whole, the album could do with slightly more counterbalance to the several anthemic tracks, but the delicate final song, Stillness in Woe, is a welcome, dreamy reprieve".


d. 2. Mar. 2015



Ian Cohen

d. 2. Mar. 2015

" By every objective standard, even the one set by its near-suffocatingly cohesive predecessor, this is a narrow work. Eight of its 1o tracks clock in between 3:15 and 3:40, and its tone, timbre, topicality and flow are pathologically even-keeled; there's nothing to upset the equilibrium like Shrines' jarring Young Magic guest spot "Grandloves". Verses and choruses are pretty much equidistant at all times. You can imagine another eternity as beat-tape like source material, where just about every melody could be extracted for outside hook use ... [It] finds Purity Ring trying to stake their claim at pop's center but ultimately retreating within themselves".

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