Music / opera

Aureliano in Palmira

Reviews (3)

Fono Forum

2013 Januar



Werner Pfister

2013 Januar

"Besonders beeindruckend ist Kenneth Tarver in der anspruchsvollen Titelpartie ... Für Melomanen zweifellos ein Ereignis".

International record review

2012 November



John T. Hughes

2012 November

"Benini leads a vivid performance ... The LPO is on good form in Rossini's colourful orchestration ... Just as welcome as the Spanish mezzo [Silvia Tro Santafé] is Kenneth Tarver in the title role ... agile voice ... with a smooth tone".

The gramophone

2012 December



Richard Lawrence

2012 December

"The music is very fine, with a minimal amount of secco recitative ... The LPO play beautifully for Maurizio Benini. Kenneth Tarver makes an accomplished Aurelian, a touch of steel in his tone emphasising his authority. In Zenobia's aria 'La pugnai', Catriona Smith colours her voice with both assertiveness and wistfulness before dazzling the listener with her coloratura".