Music / rock


Reviews (3)


d. 23. June 2015



Joel Oliphint

d. 23. June 2015

"Son Lux's avant-pop has always leaned more heavily on avant than pop, and Bones is probably too skittery for a breakout commercial hit (though "Change is Everything" could be a dark horse). Given the album's staccato beats, bronchitis vocals, strings that may not be strings, flutes that probably aren't flutes, unexpected blasts of horn-like sounds that couldn't possibly be horns, it's not an album you can sing along to from front to back, and given the subject matter, it probably shouldn't be. Sometimes knowing that you're about to sing is enough".





Marcy Donelson


"The recording and processing techniques Lott has continued to refine from previous albums, including digitally manipulating acoustic instrument recordings, are on full display on Bones, with exotic rhythms, startling anthems, and those organic-mechanical timbres forming a bold song set with an unshakably dystopian feel ... The album is (...) compellingly catchy and danceable throughout, though persistently grim in subject matter and tone; "I Am the Others," for instance, repeats "Am I the only one?," "Where are the others?," and "You are the most fortunate one" for a truly apocalyptic effect among clattering rim drumming, distorted low-end chords, and howling voices".


d. 23. June 2015



Nathan Stevens

d. 23. June 2015

"Outside of "Flight" and "Breath Out" all of the good moments are quickly washed out by waves upon waves of utter slog. Bones is such a profound step back for Son Lux that it's hard to see the group recovering. These are the bones of something once promising".