Music / kor

Canons and musical jokes

Reviews (2)

MusicWeb international

2020 September



Nigel Harris

2020 September

"None of the items recorded in any way constitutes great music or essential Beethoven, but most are highly enjoyable ... Of course, as I say, this is not an essential item for any collection. But anyone who buys the disc will find it entertaining, interesting, and instructive in an unusual way about Beethoven's life and music. Hence I welcome it warmly".

BBC music magazine

2020 October



Erica Jeal

2020 October

"In his anniversary year, the quest to record every note Beethoven wrote continues ... Beethoven often scribbled snippets of music for friends and colleagues, whether as gifts or as appendages to letters. The conductor Thomas Holmes and his various Vienna performers give us a compilation of more then 50 of them, most being less than a minute long ... They are worth hearing as a curiosity ... The performances are aptly light-footed and the words clear, the singing often lacks the firmness and precision the pieces require".