Music / kor

Choral music


Summary: Eric Whitacre has quickly become one of the most popular and performed composers of his generation. Here the acclaimed Elora Festival Singers perform a selection of his greatest works.

Reviews (3)

MusicWeb international

2012 January



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2012 January

"I've heard and admired several previous CDs by the Elora Festival Singers. This one confirms those favourable impressions. The choir makes a fine, clear sound and their singing falls very pleasingly on the ear. I'd say they are skilled advocates for Whitacre's music ... I think the problem I now have with Whitacre is that his choral pieces all sound rather similar. The music is often extremely beautiful and the composer undoubtedly has a good ear for choral textures - or at least for beautiful, smooth textures, but I'm left wondering how much there is below the surface ... This newcomer offers what I think is a pretty representative and inexpensive introduction to Eric Whitacre's music. As I've already said, the performance standards are high".

BBC music magazine

2010 October




2010 October

"A choir long on experience and comfortable in its own collective skin. The mainly vibrato-less singing is warmly blended, with spot-on pitching, and a welcome focus on elucidating text and structure without gimmicky effect-making".

The gramophone

2010 September




2010 September

"The fresh-sounding Toronto-based Elora Festival Singers obviously love this optimistic and transparently honest music ... Tuning is always spot-on and Nigel Edison draws a wide dynamic range from his singers. Climaxes are never coarse and the church acoustic is used to sublime effect ... This stimulating and superb disc is a bargain and an absolute must-have".