Music / hip hop


Reviews (3)

Gaffa [online]

d. 9. June 2014



Maria Therese Seefeldt Stæhr

d. 9. June 2014

"Et eksperimenterende, elektronisk, industrielt og mørkt univers som er skabt af rapperen Daveed Diggs og producerne Jonathan Snipes og William Hutson ... Den eksperimenterende tilgang ender ofte i noget der mest af alt er larm eller noget der minder om en fæl tinnitus. Det fede er omvendt at Diggs virkelig kan rappe, og deres stil er gennemført. Men den er med garanti ikke for alle".


d. 13. June 2014



Miles Raymer

d. 13. June 2014

"Initially, clipping. made power electronics-influenced remixes of rap songs, a formula that they stuck fairly close to when they recorded their 2013 debut Midcity after recruiting Diggs to provide original vocals. Their second album, CLPPNG, opens with a solid minute of the kind of dissonant, legitimately painful high-pitched feedback that sadistic noise guitarists favor, along with some vigorous cypher-style spitting. It's a clear provocation and a quick primer on the group's aesthetic aim, which is to deconstruct rap music while staying within the genre's confines - and it's also a summation of the group's two major flaws, which are that the tracks go just a little too far in their eagerness to challenge their audience and the raps they're sharing space with are too banal to make the challenge worth it ... Overall, CLPPNG is chock full of ideas, and if its failure is due to overambitiousness, well, there are worse ways to fail".


d. 9. Aug. 2014



Ralf Christensen

d. 9. Aug. 2014

"Los Angeles-trioen clipping.bygger en klanglig psykologisk realisme på deres nye, andet album CLPNNG, hvor musikken både fungerer som et sansebombet og alt for illustrativt soundtrack til deres derangerede tekster om afsporet menneskehed og helt enkelt som lyd, der forstyrrer lytteren på et eksistentielt niveau ... CLPNNG kan minde om Anti-Pop Consortiums konkretmusikalske legesyge, Neptunes' stramt piskede numsefunk (her med pigtråd om lædersnorene) og Dr. Dres olmt slæbende g-funk. Alt sammen kreative strategier, der slås stålhårdt mod hinanden hos clipping.".