Music / operetter


Reviews (7)

RBB Kultur

d. 22. Mar. 2019



Matthias Käther

d. 22. Mar. 2019

"Jodie Devos auch? Ja! ... Sie hat dem Text ein hohes Mass an Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt, ihre Diktion ist traumhaft, und insofern ist sie vielleicht stilistisch dichter am Offenbach dran als so manche Superdiva ... Und deswegen mag ich dieses Album trotz kleiner technischer Mängel sehr gern - mal ganz abgesehen davon, dass Laurent Campellone hier wirklich Erstaunliches aus dem Münchner Rundfunkorchester herausholt: Es hat einen wunderbar französischen Klang".

MusicWeb international

2019 February



Michael Cookson

2019 February

"It's a highly appealing mix of works, some well-known and many others now in relative obscurity ... Devos' album contains sixteen tracks (fifteen of them sung) taken from twelve of Offenbach's stage works ... This is a striking collection from the hugely talented Devos, who makes a direct and significant impact. Devos is able to reproduce the very essence of Offenbach's sound world ... demonstrating a stunning aptitude for coloratura display ... Alpha Classics have a winner here ... A must for lovers of French Romantic operetta and opera repertoire".

Presto classical

d. 4. Mar. 2019



Katherine Cooper

d. 4. Mar. 2019

"Editors choices - February 2019: 'A few 'Ah's! That's all I need!' sings Devos as La Corilla, the cynical coloratura-queen in Vert-Vert as she simultaneously mocks and indulges her audience's appetite for flashy vocal fireworks - and whilst this young French soprano certainly entrances and thrills with the wordless roulades of the Valse-tyrolienne from Un mari à la porte and the Doll Song from Hoffmann, she's no slouch with text either, bringing real pathos to arias from Le roi carotte and Fantasio in particular".

Fono Forum

2019 Mai



Elisabeth Richter

2019 Mai

"Auf dieser CD mischt sich erfreischend Bekanntes (Les Contes d'Hoffmann, Orphée aux Enfers) mit viel Unbekantem ... Wenn diese genialen Kompositionen von einer Sängerin mit einer schlicht überwältigend-betörenden Stimme ausgeführt werden, bleibt nicht ein einziger wunsch offen. Die belgische Sopranistin Jodie Devos interpretiert Offenbachs halsbrecherische Vokalisen mit einer technischen Souveränität, Flexibilität und scheinbaren Leichtigkeit, die einen den Atem anhalten lassen. Dazu kommen ihre warmes Timbre mit viel Körper ... Jodie Devos' Stimme scheint für Offenbachs heikle Koloraturen wie geschaffen".

BBC music magazine

2019 May



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2019 May

"Opera choice: This is a marriage made in musical heaven with the young Dutch soprano Jodie Devos reminding us just how gifted Jacques Offenbach was as a composer ... She's a gravity-defying coloratura soprano who would have thrilled the composer; and she's certainly not the proverbial canary ... Metaphorically, you're on your feet before Devos is effortlessly stretching up to her final top notes".

The gramophone

2019 March



Edward Seckerson

2019 March

"Editor's choice: The main thing to say about Devos - and her thoroughly idiomatic partner-in-frolic, Laurent Campellone - is that she (and this is a huge compliment) delivers all that is required of her, and more, with the apparent ease of one who knows how important it is to conceal the difficulty. The real kicker with this album is the way in which number after number springs its surprises. The vocal pyrotechnics are artfully designed to make one's jaw hit the floor ... The two big 'hits' from Les contes d'Hoffmann are included, of course ... Hearing Devos dispatch Olympia's corker of a showstopper ... will likely leave a smile on your face for the rest of the day".


2019 février



François Laurent

2019 février

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".