Music / operaarier


Reviews (5)

MusicWeb international

2019 March



Michael Cookson

2019 March

"Recommended: Contemporaneously on the Alpha label is this new album titled Confidence from tenor Julien Behr; another excellent collection of French Romantic arias ... As an admirer of French grand opéra, opéra-comique and opérette of the Romantic period I am especially drawn to this fascinating collection. For his debut solo album Julien Behr ... has selected a fascinating programme ... Convincingly performed by Julien Behr without any suggestion of routine this captivating collection of French Romantic arias is extremely desirable".

BBC music magazine

2019 January



Michael Beek

2019 January

"Lesser-known French Romantic repertoire is brought to shimmering light thanks to Behr's honeyed vocals and the luxuriant accompaniment".


2019, nr. 52



Andrew Mellor

2019, nr. 52

"Det er sjældent, man møder en fransk sanger som tenoren Julien Behr, der er i stand til at foredrage lyrisk og kraftfuldt, og samtidig bevare en rørende, let hovedklang ... En time i selskab med hans stemme, akkompagneret af det fløjlsbløde Orchestre de L'Opera de Lyon, er en fornøjelse. Men albummets stjerne er i ligeså høj grad de udvalgte musikstykker som de optrædende ... Ingen af dem er glemte mesterværker, men hver enkelt har charme og programmet hænger exceptionelt godt sammen ... Langt mere end blot endnu et ariealbum i rækken".


2018 novembre



Emmanuel Dupuy

2018 novembre

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

The gramophone

2018 December



Tim Ashley

2018 December

"For his first solo album, Julien Behr explores repertory associated with a voice type known in the 19th-century France as the 'ténor de demi caractère' ... a lyric tenor, capable of refinements as well as power ... He has an attractive voice, with a touch of metal in the sound under pressure, an easy ring at the top and a beguiling warmth of tone when singing softly ... The Lyon Opéra Orchestra under Pierre Bleuse's ... playing is elegant and refined".