Music / blues

Come on in

Reviews (2)





Thom Jurek


" Risager and Black Tornado have the confidence of a band that's been together for a long time. They're rich in knowledge to be sure, but they're also confident in their collective abilities to draw out an individual's strengths and offer a palette of sounds and traits that, if attempted by most any other outfit, wouldn't work. Come on In is easily the strongest of their recordings to date; it's one that will endear and enchant new listeners as much as it will gratify and satisfy longtime fans".

d. 31. Jan. 2020



Ivan Rod

d. 31. Jan. 2020

"Risager og den sorte tornado sender os tilbage i tiden og traditionen - til den gang, hvor blues musikken havde en forunderligt frigørende virkning. Men Risager og tornadoen giver også det hele et mere nutidigt og moderne præg. Det er dét - forbindelsen til rødderne og den samtidige fornyelse - der gør aflytningen af Come On In så gribende".