Music / solosang

Concerto & Settimo libro de' madrigali

Reviews (6)

MusicWeb international

2023 February



Mark Sealey

2023 February

"Monteverdi wrote eight books of madrigals in all ... This Settimo Libro represented a major advance in purpose and style ... Monteverdi was more interested in building drama and mood in their own right, and on more organic terms. In fact, he entitled the Settimo Libro 'Concerto' ... The players of the Concerto Italiano bring their usual rich, deep, pointed sound to this music ... It's as though these musicians share with Monteverdi a certainty that there is always something else to be discovered in any given madrigal, but that they are never going to withhold it, merely wonder, professionally, with us listeners. As said, Monteverdi was pushing limits by the time of this Seventh Book ... The two hours plus of music here are deeply satisfying and inspiring from beginning to end; this release should without hesitation be added to the collection of lovers of this repertoire".

BBC music magazine

2022 Christmas



Anthony Pryer

2022 Christmas

"Rinaldo Alessandrini has already issued acclaimed recordings of some of Monteverdi's madrigal repertoire. Book 7 (1619), though, is a bit different: of the 29 items only five are vocal ensemble pieces and the rest are solos, duets or trios; and instruments provide an absolutely essential part of the texture ... As usual the Concerto Italiano instrumentalists are stylish and tasteful ... This is an admirable recording of a rich and fascinating collection".

Fono Forum

2023 April



Reinmar Emans

2023 April

"Alessandrini hat längst verstanden, dass die schlüssel zu Monterverdis Musik in der Affektdarstellung zu sehen ist und nicht in unbedingter Perfektion ... Die Unmittelbarkeit, mit der Alessandrini seine in dieser Aufführungsweise erprobten Leute singen und spielen lässt, ist schon etwas Besonderes und lässt etwa die EInspielung von La Venexiana fast schon zahm erscheinen (was sie freilich gar nicht ist)".


2023 janvier



Frédéric Degroote

2023 janvier

Fono Forum

2018 September



Reinmar Emans

2018 September

"Es ist fast müssig, darauf hinzuweisen, dass die Cappella Mediterranea alle emotionalen Schattierungen mitträgt und eine formidable Grundierung bietet, auf der Mariana Flores sich wunderbar entfalten kann. Absolut hörenswert".

The gramophone

2023 January



Alexandra Coghlan

2023 January

"Editor's choice: Over some 30 years Rinaldo Alessandrini has recorded and re-recorded Monteverdi's madrigals, combining and colliding them every which way ... But now - purists rejoice" - there's a new complete volume, and it's a cracker ... His own musicians need no test to prove their skill. Seven singers join a generous instrumental ensemble ... This is opera without the stage - a riveting and incredibly stylish account of this vast and varied book of music. Well worth the wait".