Music / operafilm

Der Ring des Nibelungen


Optagelser af Patrice Chéreau's opsætning af Nibelungens ring under Bayreuth-festspillene 1982.

Reviews (14)

MusicWeb international

2023 February



Roy Westbrook

2023 February

"The Deutsche Oper Berlin is an important Wagner house, once dubbed "the winter Bayreuth" ... Before the music begins, across the stage troop a group of migrants who later serve as contributors to the action as Nibelungs or observers, as in a Greek tragedy ... Herheim is also aware that this is in Berlin, and there are some World War Two and Wehrmacht references, about which he is quite unapologetic ... Derek Welton and Annika Schlicht, have impressive voices well suited to their roles ... The Brünnhilde of Nina Stemme and Siegfried of Clay Hilley bring the same qualities heard in Siegfried ... Runnicles and the Orchestra of the Deutsche Oper Berlin are superb throughout, as is the chorus (in Götterdämmerung) ... The filming and surround sound are excellent ... Mainly in the highly eloquent singing and playing, you will find much to impress, question, debate and decode in the innovative production".

2008 October


2008 October

"Harry Kupfer´staging is simple, aesthetic and endless. Daniel Barenboim is spectacular and grandiose. The dramatic intensity is staggering, and all singers are at least above average reaching the excellent in John Tomlinson (Wotan) and Siegfried Jerusalem (Siegfried). They peel off the layers of the Ring until only the core remains: The music and the naked stage drama.A simply spectacular theatrical achievement and a Ring I may live happily with for the rest of my life, if necessary".


d. 22. May 2013



Thomas Michelsen

d. 22. May 2013

"45 ton videoanimeret ligegyldighed som det eneste spektakulære i en opsætning, hvor instruktøren tilsyneladende har glemt at instruere sine sangere ... Frustrerende at sidde og se så gode sangere opføre sig så ligegyldigt ... Det kogende bifald er virkelig fortjent for sang og orkesterspil, hvor dirigenten Fabio Luisi midtvejs i produktionen overtog styringen, fordi James Levine var blevet for syg. Men summa summarum: Hvorfor skal vi se denne statiske effektopsætning på en dvd-produktion, hvor kun nærbillederne lige akkurat redder dagen? Lepage kan de pakke sammen for min skyld".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 15. May 2013



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 15. May 2013

"Denne New York-udgave af Wagners Nibelungens Ring overgår alt, hvad jeg tidligere har oplevet. Det gælder ikke mindst den visuelle side af sagen. Producenten Robert Lepage har skabt en yderst spektakulær og fleksibel ramme om de fire operaer ... I orkestergraven spiller The Mets musikere, som om de mere end 16 timers samlede spilletid ikke er ét minut for meget ... Sangerne er af ypperste klasse hele vejen igennem ... Walt Disney ... ville givetvis have elsket denne fantasifulde og fantastiske Ring. Det er så afgjort den, man skal erhverve sig, hvis man vil lære Wagners mest ikoniske værk at kende".


d. 9. Oct. 2015



Peter Johannes Erichsen

d. 9. Oct. 2015

"Robert Lepages' mestergreb bestod i at befolke scenen med alt genkendeligt Wagner-kitsch og så skabe vibrerende og magisk liv i det opstablede oldnordiske menageri. Fortryllelsen var scenografisk at opfinde en gigantisk tangentmaskine, der med sine løftearme som tentakler kunne illudere enhver af de 16 lokaliteter, som Wagner henlægger sin handling til. Sangerstaben er hele vejen superb ... Aldrig havde man troet, at Nibelungens Ring skulle slippe ud af nutidens parkeringskældre og genfinde sit mytologiske hjemsted".


d. 24. May 2006



Peter Johannes Erichsen

d. 24. May 2006

Operabladet Ascolta

(2013) 31. årgang nr. 5



Henrik Marcussen

(2013) 31. årgang nr. 5

"En 45 tons tung maskine ... der kan styres elektronisk ... formes som dal og klippe og i andre skulpturelle formationer, har været særlig genstand for kritik ... Det kan ikke undgås, at synsindtrykkene undervejs ... udtrættes og en repetitiv ensformighed melder sig ... På det vokal plan derimod er der langtfra tale om afmatning af et overordentlig velfungerende og samstemt sangerhold uden svagheder ... De fire opsætninger ... fremstår som en samlet helhed".

BBC music magazine

2013 June



Michael Scott Rohan

2013 June

"The result has proved fiercely controversial. Lepage's staging centres on what's (not always affectionately) known as The Machine ... It looks amazing but incidents misfire ... Which is a shame because the musical side is so strong ... Most regrettable, though, is that James Levine conducted only Das Rheingold and Die Walküre before ill health set in. Fabio Luisi's readings are smoothly powerful, but without Levine's thrust and focus".

The gramophone classical music guide




"A stage so bare that it makes Wieland Wagner's abstractions of the 1950s look scenically crowded ... Singing actors director Harry Kupfer has secured performances of unremitting physical and emotional energy ... John Tomlinson runs, dives, falls and embraces, living out every part of the tragedy of his Wälsung family (all of them redhaired). It's an extraordinary tour de force, thrillingly sung off the text and the action".

Fono Forum

2013 Januar



Manuel Brug

2013 Januar

"So ist dieser gross gedachte, dann oft pragmatisch mittelmässige Met-"Ring" nicht wirklich der Wagnerwurf des 21. Jahrhunderts geworden. Zumindest dieser Mount Everest bleibt noch ein wenig leer".

The gramophone

2013 January



Mike Ashman

2013 January

"Kaufmann and Westbroek project the right kind of sexual and emotional intensity to carry the drama in the very bare setting that they're in, a tension matched elsewhere only by Waltraud Meier's masterclass of a Waltraute ... Elsewhere there is solid singing from the 'baddie' basses ... and much evidently enjoyed hard work from Deborah Voigt's Brünnhilde ... It must be said, that no one is helped by costumes - presumably intended to be mythical ... Another disappointment of the release is the loss of James Levine halfway through ... So, regrettably in summary, the result, surprisingly for this new Met administration, is a boring, conventional, narrative stage production with some undoubted musical highs".


2023, nr. 69



Marie-Louise Zervides

2023, nr. 69

"På Deutsche Oper i Berlin blev den norske instruktør Stefan Herheim valgt til at fortolke operahistoriens mest ambitiøse værk ... Opsætningens koncept tager udgangspunkst i Europas flygtningekrise ... Herheim inddrager desuden talrige idéer om blandt andet køn, vold, historie, genre og komponisten selv, hvilket gør værket til en sansemættet oplevelse, men konceptet stikker i mange retninger og kan til tider føles ufokuseret ... Trods et lidt ujævnt cast har den mange spændende påfund, og der er smukke øjeblikke undervejs".

The gramophone

2023 February



Peter Quantrill

2023 February

"'Close your eyes' is the most tired and depressing piece of opera-going advice, but blind listening to the Deutsche Oper's latest staging might, ironically, best satisfy conservative-minded Wagnerians going in search of a modern Ring led by strong vocal performances rather than the grand designs of a conductor or director ... In finding the whole so much less than the sum of its parts, I return to the excellence of the singers, who deliver quite conventional accounts of their roles despite the non-canonical paraphernalia around them".





"The partnership of Boulez, Chéreau and Peduzzi put Wagner's Ring back where it belonged, at the centre of controversy, when their vision was unveiled at Bayreuth in 1976 to mark the centenary of the first production. By the time it was last seen on the stage of the Festspielhaus in 1980, the production had taken its place as one of the historic achievements of the Bayreuth Festival. Working closely with video director Brian Large, Chéreau re-rehearsed his staging for the films taped at that time to recreate the experience on screen, and preserve career-defining performances from the original cast, headed by Donald McIntyre, Gwyneth Jones and Manfred Jung".