Music / solosang

Die schöne Magelone

Reviews (14)

The guardian

d. 26. June 2014



Tim Ashley

d. 26. June 2014

"The mixture of refined passion and gung-ho heroics places it beyond the range of most singers, though it holds no terrors for Behle. A lightness in his tone, combined with the clarity of Bjelland's playing, prevents the piece from becoming stolid as it sometimes does".

Kulturradio RBB

d. 5. Apr. 2017



Kai Luehrs-Kaiser

d. 5. Apr. 2017

"Auf schwindelerregend hohem Niveau gemeckert. Ich wüsste - abgesehen von der alten Studio-Aufnahme mit Fischer-Dieskau und Svjatoslav Richter - keine bessere Einspielung dieses Werks anzugeben. Also: Es ist nicht Gerhahers beste CD überhaupt - dazu singt er zu zeigestockhaft und akademisch bemüht. Und trotzdem: die beste "Magelone" seit über 40 Jahren".

The guardian

d. 18. May 2017



Erica Jeal

d. 18. May 2017

"Once again they show how it should be done ... Huber is wonderfully responsive; as for Gerhaher, he is velvet-toned and confiding, hanging long melodies off deliciously pointed words, and shaping lines that soar upwards then gently descend. His intensity at moments of resolution is striking, but no less so is the pared-back tone he brings to the lullaby that forms the work's briefly restful centre".


d. 5. July 2004


d. 5. July 2004

BBC music magazine

2014 November



Hilary Finch

2014 November

"Both the light lyric tenor, Daniel Behle, and his thespian narrator, Hans-Jurgen Schatz, are lively and engaging taletellers in what is a gentle, unassuming performance ... Behle doesn't really have the heft for the more heroic songs. But he brings fragrance and a cultivated style to the more dreamlike reflections".

Fono Forum

2014 August



Christoph Zimmermann

2014 August

"Eine Besetzung mit Tenor [scheint] immer noch am triftigsten. Und das vor allem dann, wenn ein Sänger die sanfte Liebesschwärmerei ... mit einer derartigen Piano-Qualität realisiert wie Daniel Behle, welcher mit seinem jugendlich-kernigen Timbre zugleich den ritterlichen Charakter der Figur plastisch umreisst".

BBC music magazine

2014 November



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2014 November

"As ever, Christopher Maltman proves a persuasive exponent ... his performance is musically scrupulous and interpretatively imaginative ... As a whole the cycle is well worth getting to know".

BBC music magazine

2017 August



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2017 August

"His acute sensitivity to text is matched by subtly inflected tone, helping him capture each of the piece's fleeting moods. Huber's contribution is a touch more prosaic".


2017 septembre



Hélène Cao

2017 septembre

Fono Forum

2017 Mai



Johannes Schmitz

2017 Mai

"CDs des Monats: Wenn aber so musiziert wird wie von Christian Gerhaher und Gerold Huber, dann kann auch die dominante Rezitation den Liedern nichts anhaben ... Huber legt mit klarem Ton und entschlossenem Zugriff ... an ... Gerhaher bring Wortausdeutung und musikalische Parameter in ein derart überzeugendes Gleichgewicht, dass alles ganz natürlich wirkt".

International record review

2014 September



William Hedley

2014 September

"Daniel Behle's tenor is light and clear, but with enough power and vigour to communicate the ardent, impetuous nature of the first song ... Sveinung Bjelland is a splendid partner at the piano ... This is a real duo ... Not to be missed".

International record review

2014 October



Piers Burton-Page

2014 October

"To his credit, his new version can stand comparison with the best, even if in my view it is not yet the whole story".

The gramophone

2014 October



Richard Wigmore

2014 October

"Enjoyment far outweighed any misgivings".

The gramophone

2017 March



David Patrick Stearns

2017 March

"The piece requires more effort than usual, though this new Christian Gerhaher/Gerold Huber recording rewards such a listening commitment ... In fact, his (Gerhaher) colouring is more precise and apt than I've ever heard from him. And that's saying a lot ... Gerhaher and Huber make the piece something you can take to your heart".