Music / rock

Division Street

Reviews (2)





Fred Thomas


"The lo-fi effects, bright performances, and Simon's beautifully heartsick songs culminate in a lovely place somewhere between the dull glow of Elliott Smith's early home-recorded albums and the wide open arrangements of Beck's Sea Change. Some moments it's hard to ignore how much he sounds like his father, and at times, the genuflection at the altar of Elliott Smith gets a little too doe-eyed and derivative, but the strengths of Simon's songwriting and the atmospheric production keep these concerns in the background of a colorful and evocative bigger picture".

Gaffa [online]

d. 26. Mar. 2013



Henrik Friis

d. 26. Mar. 2013

"Tom Rothrock (Beck m.fl.) og Harper Simon i co-produktion lægger et markant tæppe af tåget støj og lo-fi-fornemmelse ud over musikken. Det giver sangene med klassiske pop og balladerne et sfærisk svæv, hvor Simons kærlighedserfaringer og livsanskuelser ikke høres direkte og i stedet fornemmes og anes undervejs som fragmentariske billeder - og det giver rocknumrene en kant, der endda næsten kan blive punket".