Music / andre koncerter

Enigma variations

Reviews (12)





James Leonard


"Lackadaisical in the Enigma Variations and slapdash in the Introduction and Allegro for strings, this addendum to Colin Davis and the London Symphony's series of masterful recordings of Elgar's symphonies and oratorio "The Dream of Gerontius" is distinctly, even acutely, disappointing".

Classics today




David Hurwitz


"There's a good bit to enjoy in this loving but (very) occasionally sluggish Enigma Variations ... In the final analysis the lovely and interesting bits fail to add up to a satisfying whole, especially given the excellence of the competition".

MusicWeb international

2019 April



Ralph Moore (musikanmelder)

2019 April

"Vasily Petrenko's previous recordings of Elgar's first two symphonies have in general been well, if perhaps rather politely, received, with reservations regarding some lack of passion and a degree of understatement ... Petrenko's affection for the music is much in evidence in this latest release, but the competition is formidable ... I wish I could be more enthusiastic about this decently played trio of core Elgar works, but each is surpassed by a previous, better recordings".

Classical music

2016 November



Guy Weatherall

2016 November

"Brabbin's Enigma is a delight".


2016 decembre



Jean-Pierre Rousseau

2016 decembre

BBC music magazine

2019 June



Terry Blain

2019 June

"Vasily Petrenko's In the South kicks off in a slightly less bristling, more measured fashion than some rival versions ... Petrenko's approach - excitingly fresh yet un-sensationalised - pays richly satisfying musical dividends ... This is one of the most attractive personable versions ... currently on offer. Much the same can be said of Petrenko's Enigma Variations ... resplendently delivered by the excellent Liverpool players. Add a tender, subtly expressive account of the Serenade for Strings ... and you have an Elgar disc which ranks among the most edifying and enjoyable of recent years".


2019 juin



Hugues Mousseau

2019 juin


2019, nr. 55



Jeppe Rönnow

2019, nr. 55

"Petrenko vælger et sjældent bredt tempo i Elgars sommerferieskildring 'In the South' ... Petrenko vælger en kraftfuld tilgang til temaerne, og de dystre motiver ... får betoning og ekstra fylde ... Petrenko vælger overraskende nok en lidt hurtig tilgang i 'Nimrod'-variationen [fra Elgars 'Enigmavariationer'] og lader ikke rigtig crescendoet folde sig ud ... Men resten af variationerne i venskabsværket sidder præcis, hvor de skal ... De tre små satser i 'Serenade for strygere' er små perler fra Elgars hånd, hvor strygerklangen i det insisterende, rytmiske motiv ... skaber den helt rette stemning af uro og melankoli".

BBC music magazine

2016 December



Stephen Johnson (f. 1955)

2016 December

"BBC music choice - Recording of the month: Exceptional Elgar ... Nimrod has the grandeur of a Bruckner slow movement ... In fact Brabbins's performance as a whole is a reminder of what a masterpiece of construction Enigma truly is ... What's truly revelatory however is the way each variation seems to speak ... Recordings are excellent throughout".

Vurdering : 5/5.

The gramophone

2016 November



Andrew Achenbach

2016 November

"Brabbins masterminds an expansive, ideally flexible and notably unflustered reading of Elgar's In the South, one which quarries this evocative score's plentiful reserves of noble grandeur, pantheistic wonder and vulnerability ... [He] proves a comparably unhurried, affectionate and cannily observant guide through Enigma, the friends pictured within springing to life with unforced naturalness ... An enjoyable and stimulating anthology that Elgarians everywhere should try and hear".

The gramophone

2019 May



Andrew Achenbach

2019 May

"Vasily Petrenko directs and admirably trim, affectionate and cannily paced Enigma, free of fussy intervention and marked by superb orchestral playing ... If anything, the performance of In the South is even finer, exhibiting an emotional clout, malleability and sweep ... Only the Serenade underwhelms ... Still, the disc as a whole warrants investigation for the two main items alone".

BBC music magazine

2007 July



Calum MacDonald

2007 July

"The Enigma, with fewer sung contributions from the conductor, is more convincing, with splendid fire in the fast variations; and in both works Davis is marvellous at bringing out the subtleties of Elgar's orchestration".