Music / klassisk musik 1950 ->

La mer

Reviews (39)

The guardian

d. 14. Sep. 2017



Kate Molleson

d. 14. Sep. 2017

"It's exciting, and it bodes well. The orchestra has a powerful engine that always feels on the verge of breaking loose, but Ticciati harnesses the depth and drive of that energy and adds some gorgeously febrile stuff ... Kožená sings ... with a steely grandeur".

MusicWeb international

2018 August



Stephen Greenbank

2018 August

"The latest volume in Harmonia Mundi's ongoing Debussy series, celebrating the centenary of the composer's death. The release features three orchestral works, two well known scores, Prélude à L'après-midi d'un faune and La Mer, bookending the less familiar Le martyre de Saint Sébastien symphonic fragments ... The highlight of the disc, for me, has to be Le Martyre de saint Sébastien symphonic fragments ... This is a comparative rarity ... There's life and urgency in Heras-Casado's highly evocative reading, aided by the lush orchestral textures he elicits from the orchestra ... All told, he displays a complete mastery of the score ... These top-notch performances constitute a worthy centenary tribute".

MusicWeb international

2017 September



Michael Cookson

2017 September

"Recording of the month: Under Ticciati the DSO Berlin plays superbly, producing a euphoric atmosphere that feels intoxicating. At the peak of her powers Magdalena Kožená is as outstanding here as I can imagine. With her smoky toned mezzo-soprano sounding in outstanding condition her tuning, phrasing and projection are quite splendidly maintained throughout ... This quite outstanding album of Fauré and Debussy works certainly whets the appetite for future releases from Robin Ticciati with the DSO Berlin".

MusicWeb international

2020 November



Roy Westbrook

2020 November

"... this Ravel and Debussy programme from the LSO and Roth is recommended for those in search of a live SACD in this particular repertoire - although fine alternative versions of every piece on the disc are of course legion. The only complaint might be the playing time of less than 50 minutes, when the LSO and Roth have performed several other works of these two masters in recent years that might have been added".


d. 7. Dec. 2011



Thomas Michelsen

d. 7. Dec. 2011

"Debussys tre satser om havet viser, at dette orkester har sin helt egen klang, der tillader tegning af sarte teksturer. Ravels Gåsemors fortællinger ... rummer så fine pagodetrin og så knivskarpe orientalismer i midtersatsen, at man spidser ører. Med La valse som storslået afslutning og kun de allermindste pletter at sætte fingeren på i dette virtuosværk er cd'en en lovende start på den gule label for filharmonikerne fra Seoul og deres chefdirigent".


d. 16. Dec. 2017



Thomas Michelsen

d. 16. Dec. 2017

"Klassisk - årets bedste album: Debussys impressionistiske digt om havet lykkes suverænt under britiske Robin Ticciati. Tusinde detaljer glimter og brister som bobler. Magdalena Kozenas mezzosopran er perfekt placeret i Ariettes oubliées".


d. 15. Mar. 2004


d. 15. Mar. 2004


d. 27. Oct. 2005



Thomas Michelsen

d. 27. Oct. 2005


d. 14. Sep. 2004


d. 14. Sep. 2004

Fono Forum

2018 November



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2018 November

"Kalt lassen dürfte diese Interpretationen wohl niemanden ... Ein sehr spannendeer Beitrag zum Debussy-Jahr!".

BBC music magazine

2018 October



Misha Donat

2018 October

"Heras-Casado produces fine performances of all these pieces, with the Philharmonia's unnamed flautist conveying just the right feeling of languor and expressive freedom in the solo passages of the Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune, and La mer emerging in all its orchestral splendour ... This newcomer, with its superior recorded sound, is very welcome".

BBC music magazine

2011 June



Christopher Dingle

2011 June

"This Debussy disc might not be quite at the level of their award-winning performance of Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet, but it still includes some sensational playing".


2013 mai



Gérard Condé

2013 mai

The times

d. 31. May 2013



Geoff Brown (musikanmelder)

d. 31. May 2013

"In La Mer, the husky sounds of gut-stringed violins ushering in Debussy's dawn light immediately tickle the ears. But it's the wind instruments, each proudly listed in the CD booklet with its date of manufacture, that give this performance its distinctive atmosphere - poignant and delicate, lit up with subtle colours seemingly beyond the instruments of today".

BBC music magazine

2013 September



Christopher Dingle

2013 September

"The performance ... is very stylish and does the work proud ... There is much to savour ... Real liveliness and characterisation ... While Les Siècles have instruments of Debussy's time, the playing, in terms of vibrato and portamento, is much more recent in style".


2013, nr. 49



Gunnar Lanzky-Otto

2013, nr. 49

"Spelet är dynamiskt, klangskönt, fullt med intressanta detaljer, fritt från manér. Det lysande orkestrerade havet har inte på länge gjort ett så starkt intryck".

Fono Forum

2013 Juli



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2013 Juli

"Einen echten Coup ... Mit einer sehr klangvollen und fein austarierten Orchestration [weiss es] zu beeindrucken".

Fono Forum

2018 Juli



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2018 Juli

"Dies sind klug strukturierte, fein austarierte Interpretationen. Das Klangbild bildet alle Instrumentengruppen - mit Ausnahme des Schlagwerks - mit grösstmöglicher Präsenz ab, und das Orchestre national de Paris zeigt sich in beeindruckender Form".

The gramophone classical music guide




"Vurdering: Gramophone diamond (Simply the best)" - "Beautifully recorded, controlled and aristocratic, these performances show a scrupulous regard for the composers wishes. The sound of the Berlin strings is sumptuous, with details well placed and in a generally natural perspective ... It has that indefinable quality that one can more readily recognise than describe, a magic that makes one forget the performer and transports one into the composer's world".

Fono Forum

2017 Dezember



Andreas Friesenhagen

2017 Dezember

"Ticciati ... malt das Stimmungsbild [La Mer] mit feinem Pinsel, realisiert die Partitur mit grosser Tiefenschärfe ... Dem vom Australier Brett Dean 2015 orchestrierten Klavierliederzyklus Ariettes oubliées ... Magdalena Kožena macht aber zu wenig aus diesen einfühlsam in die Sphäre des Orchesters übersetzten Petitessen ... Die Suite aus Gabriel Faurés Pelléas et Mélisande fasst Ticciati zum Glück nicht als reine Wohlfühlmusik auf".


2017 octobre



François Laurent

2017 octobre

BBC music magazine

2017 October



Jessica Duchen

2017 October

"Magdalena Kožená 's voice is far from conventional in Debussy, and one might sometimes wish for more defined French diction, but her tone has a glowing inner radiance and access to a seemingly limitless wealth of colours. The result is beguiling interpretations, performed with controlled intensity".

BBC music magazine

2008 June



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2008 June

"Overall this performance [L'arbre des songes] scores highly on accuracy, less so on delicacy and variety of colour ... While La valse is vigoruious and exciting, I do question the wisdom of accelerating quite so early and blantantly up to fig. 46, thereby pre-empting the ultimate rhythmic implosion that is the work's raison d'être".

The gramophone

2018 July



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2018 July

"Yet another La mer rich in detail (there have been quite a few of late) ... Prélude a l'après-midi d'un faune enjoys a degree of tonal bloom that suits its very personal narrative ... Heras-Casado makes you realise just what a great score this is, and - as with the other pieces on the disc - the Philharmonia are in fine fettle. Wonderful sound, too ... You certainly won't be disappointed by its excellent programme companions".


2008 08



Jens Cornelius

2008 08

International record review

2011 May



Ian Julier

2011 May

"Debussy deploys this effect with considerable variety throughout the work, but although superbly played, it sounds unnaturally highlighted within the rest of the percussion section".

The gramophone

2011 July



Andrew Achenbach

2011 July

"Overall this is slightly too mannered an account to be entirely convincing ... The most succesfull item turns out to be Jeux, a less diaphanous, more sensual and hotblooded beast than usual ... The LSO respond with 100 per cent commitment".

The gramophone

2013 September



Geoffrey Norris

2013 September

"Many a disc of Debussy's La Mer has popped through the letterbox ... but this version is both unusual and stimulating ... The performance of the Première Suite by Les Siècles is luminous, rhythmically acute, atmospheric and full of character. So, too, is the interpretation of La Mer. The instruments ... lend the music a mellow glow, and Roth has full measure of the music's ebb and flow".

International record review

2013 September



Mark Pullinger

2013 September

"It is music of great charm and well worth the excavation [Suite]".

The gramophone

2018 June



Tim Ashley

2018 June

"This is an excellent performance [of La mer], tautly focused, as is Krivine's way, yet propulsive and flowing in its sense of the music's organic evolution and internal logic. There's real mystery at the start and genuine grandeur when we reach the first movement's noontide climax ... In both works the playing is at once pristine and virtuoso, while the sound, whether on disc or download, is almost blindingly clear. It's a fine achievement".

The gramophone

2012 August



Geoffrey Norris

2012 August

"Comparisons are inevitable [with Denève (Chandos)] and, from the point of view of atmosphere, texture and the spectrum of sonority, Denève achieves more subtlety, more of a sense of the music's innate ebb and flow, than does Daniele Gatti. One might automatically think that a French orchestra would have the upper hand in Debussy and these performances are by no means insignificant".

International record review

2012 July/August



Mark Pullinger

2012 July/August

"Gatti draws muscular playing from the Orchestre National de France ... Gatti never forces the pace and 'La mer' is all the better for it. Regrettably, he doesn't do the same in the 'Prélude à l'aprèsmidi d'un faune', which is too rushed to be sensuous, especially in the opening ... Happily, Gatti's trio of Images is much finer, with vivid orchestral playing".

The gramophone

2007 May



Ivan March

2007 May

"What makes this disc unmissable is the equally fine playing (and lustrous recording) in Colin Matthewss imaginative orchestration of 12 of Debussys piano Préludes. Forget the piano originals, these are far more than orchestrations: the music is completely and creatively rethought in orchestral terms".


2007 mai



François Laurent

2007 mai

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

The gramophone

2011 November



Geoffrey Norris

2011 November

"The aqeous glints and flecks of colour in Debussy's La mer are attractively caught in this performance by the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra".

The gramophone

2017 Awards



Tim Ashley

2017 Awards

"[Dean's approach] suits Ticciati's considered way with Debussy uncommonly well. Everything is beautifully balanced and clear. Shifts in colour and texture are carefully teased out, and the underlying sense of erotic regret is finely sustained ... The playing is exemplary ... though the orchestral and recorded sound are very bright ... Ticciati's Pelléas is darker in tone than many, and beautiful in its discreet sensuality".


2020, nr. 59



Andrew Mellor

2020, nr. 59

"Denne live-indspilning er med London Symphony Orchestra, et moderne orkester, der er i topform til at opføre disse tågede, impressionistiske værker, og som François-Xavier Roth har en bemærkelsesværdig god kemi med ... Hans koncerter med ensemblet leverer altid et højt niveau - især i en verden af luksuriøs og mystisk fantasi beboet af Debussy og disse to værker ... Her er en chance for at genopdage disse geniale værker".

International record review

2008 May



Nigel Simeone

2008 May

"This fine CD ends with Ravel's La valse. Jansons draws some splendidly dark playing at the start but also establishes the strong rhythmic underpinning of the music from the outset ... If the programme appeals, there's no reason to hesitate".

The gramophone

2008 July



Edward Greenfield

2008 July

"This recording culmites in quite the most exciting account of Ravel's La valse that I have heard".

Information and editions