Music / electronica


Reviews (4)





Ted Mills


"The most rewarding, the most difficult, and the most accomplished of all the Residents' albums ... any other group's hands this would have been a pretentious disaster, but the Residents pull it off through spirit, humor, and sheer bravado".

Silent Radio

d. 25. Jan. 2019



Chris Oliver

d. 25. Jan. 2019

"Calling it "avant garde experimental" doesn't do it justice by a country mile - it's more like surrealist comedy. It reaches the heights of the incomprehensible conceptual work that you get when someone, like Picasso, gets so good at their art that it doesn't even look like art anymore and you have to go home in disgust and stew about it for a while before you come back to look again and realise that actually, it's absolutely bloody genius ... You'd be forgiven for having completely forgotten that this is supposed to be a music review - and I could try to tell you that Eskimo sounds like an homage to Pictures at an Exhibition devised and performed by Animal from the Muppets, John Cage on magic mushrooms and a pantomime dame acting a nervous breakdown - but Eskimo is one of those things that defies description and just needs to be heard - or rather, experienced ... Design is an iterative process, and there are so many small details that contribute to these CD's and the original albums being more than just products, more than just CD's, more than just music - I would agree strongly with those who refer to it as art. Even after forty years, the Residents' work is hilariously disturbing, outrageous, utterly uproariously insane art".

Louder than war

d. 20. Jan. 2019



Ian Canty

d. 20. Jan. 2019

"This expanded reissue does justice to the original album's vision and takes the listener on a journey to the frozen wasteland, even if it is in near-parody, the kind of "double-joke" The Residents were highly adept at. We see the bigger picture with the extras presented, but even being granted a look "behind the scenes" (so to speak) does not diminish Eskimo`s grandeur and achievement. A fine and one-of-a-kind record, another puzzle to be unravelled and new ground being broken. A sonic trip to the extreme North, wear your woollies and jump in!".

Melody maker

d. 25. Nov. 1989


d. 25. Nov. 1989