Music / klaver solo

Études op. 25

Reviews (11)

MusicWeb international

2021 September



Michael Cookson

2021 September

"Recommended: This Chopin album is the third release from Rana I have enjoyed reviewing ... There is no prescribed way to play Chopin and I definitely enjoy hearing different approaches, relishing how Rana seems to emphasise the Romantic elements of the writing and creating a broad palette of colour. Rana's formidable technique is striking throughout, a quality exceeded only by her musical acumen and love for the works ... Such captivating performances of Chopin as exceptional as these do not come along too often".


d. 7. Nov. 2012



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 7. Nov. 2012

"Jo, jo, Lang Lang er en pianist i fuldstændig teknisk kontrol. Men hvor er det egentlig, han vil hen med musikken? Et af problemerne både på cd'er og ved livekoncerter har været Lang Langs trang til at lade musikken gå i stå og gøre den ekstremt højstemt ... Den idé undgår han i det store hele på Chopinalbummet ... Chopins små melankolske ballader med plads til de store følelser ligger meget tættere på Lang Langs omskiftelige temperament end f. eks. de store tyske komponister ... Specielt, når musikken bliver let og charmerende som en parfumeret fransk chanson, mærker man pianistens evner".


d. 7. Nov. 2012



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 7. Nov. 2012

"Jo, jo, Lang Lang er en pianist i fuldstændig teknisk kontrol. Men hvor er det egentlig, han vil hen med musikken? Et af problemerne både på cd'er og ved livekoncerter har været Lang Langs trang til at lade musikken gå i stå og gøre den ekstremt højstemt ... Den idé undgår han i det store hele på Chopinalbummet ... Chopins små melankolske ballader med plads til de store følelser ligger meget tættere på Lang Langs omskiftelige temperament end f. eks. de store tyske komponister ... Specielt, når musikken bliver let og charmerende som en parfumeret fransk chanson, mærker man pianistens evner".

BBC music magazine

2013 February



Tim Parry

2013 February

"Lang Lang's Chopin album offers plenty for his fans to appreciate, while also providing ammunition for his detractors, although perhaps not as much as they might expect ... For the most part the playing is warm and communicative, beautifully shaped, luminously projected and boldly coloured - probably too bold and luminous for those who prefer more aristocratic refinement and reserve in their Chopin but without the exaggerated, showy style so many have found off-putting".

Fono Forum

2012 November



Ingo Harden

2012 November

"Insgesamt aber lässt sich über die musikalische Gestaltung kein böses Wort sagen. Sie ist sorgfältig, geschliffen und wohlproportioniert".

BBC music magazine

2021 November



John Allison (f. 1965)

2021 November

"Nothing in the entire literature of Etudes surpasses Chopin's Op. 25, and the best interpreters not only clear all the technical hurdles but project the 12 pieces as a progressive sequence. Rana's performances add up very satisfyingly, yet they are also full of remarkable detail".

BBC music magazine

2013 February



Tim Parry

2013 February

"Lang Lang's Chopin album offers plenty for his fans to appreciate, while also providing ammunition for his detractors, although perhaps not as much as they might expect ... For the most part the playing is warm and communicative, beautifully shaped, luminously projected and boldly coloured - probably too bold and luminous for those who prefer more aristocratic refinement and reserve in their Chopin but without the exaggerated, showy style so many have found off-putting".

Fono Forum

2012 November



Ingo Harden

2012 November

"Insgesamt aber lässt sich über die musikalische Gestaltung kein böses Wort sagen. Sie ist sorgfältig, geschliffen und wohlproportioniert".

The gramophone

2012 November



Jed Distler

2012 November

"Lang Lang begins wity Chopin's Op 25 Etudes ... No 2 is impressively molto legato as Chopin indicates ... Nos 6 and 8, and the nocturnal no 7 are smoothly dispatched ... No 9 is a delight ... The final two etudes exude wonderful bravura and heroic sweep. The Nocturnes disappoint ... It's ironic how Lang Lang's most interesting playing occurs when he attempts to 'interpret' the least".

The gramophone

2021 November



David Fanning

2021 November

"Her playing has fire and poetry, imagination and originality, temperament and charm, all on top of fearless technical address: reasons enough for anyone interested in rising young pianistic stars not to have to enquire further ... I'm sure I shall be returning to many of these performances with pleasure".

The gramophone

2012 November



Jed Distler

2012 November

"Lang Lang begins wity Chopin's Op 25 Etudes ... No 2 is impressively molto legato as Chopin indicates ... Nos 6 and 8, and the nocturnal no 7 are smoothly dispatched ... No 9 is a delight ... The final two etudes exude wonderful bravura and heroic sweep. The Nocturnes disappoint ... It's ironic how Lang Lang's most interesting playing occurs when he attempts to 'interpret' the least".