Music / folk


Reviews (2)

Folk radio UK

d. 30. Jan. 2018



Thomas Blake

d. 30. Jan. 2018

"The harmonograph from which the album gets its name is an instrument that creates apparently complex geometric shapes using two balanced pendulums. If we are to suppose that the pendulums represent Carter and Moray, the picture that they have created is fittingly detailed, truly collaborative, varied and often beautiful. It is the work of two modern masters in perfect harmony".


2018 March



Colin Irwin

2018 March

"Their first album, "Salvor", was a cracker, breathing welcome fresh air into the long stale, much maligned form of electric folk, creating much anticipation about the next episode from the foraging minds of Sam Carter, Jim Moray and their merry gang. This one is, well, different. "Salvor" had a sort of gleeful innocence which radiated their joy in playing together. This is the more wizened, more calculated sound of a band taking themselves a little more seriously ... With a crazed instrumental, "The Ombudsman", and huge choruses like "Drink Old England Dry" and, indeed, "Babylon", it has the hallmark of an album designed as a great live set... though maybe the sort of album where you say, yeah it's good, but not as good as seeing them do this stuff live".