Music / rock


Reviews (3)


d. 21. May 2018



John Garratt

d. 21. May 2018

"The music is moody and atmospheric, the lyrics an attempt to compromise regret over the past with hope for the future. Listening to Islands, I find myself wondering why Ash haven't surpassed certain peers like Weezer and Green Day. Then I remind myself that Ash had to crawl their way out of Downpatrick, Ireland first, and not California. And by that yardstick, they've done more than pretty well for themselves. Islands gives them that extra leap forward".


d. 14. May 2018



Mark Beaumont

d. 14. May 2018

"Fans of the ferocious young tykes of 1996 can feast on the savage `Buzzkill', a gymnastic display of punk-pop swearing, but sumptuous post-rock epics like finale `Incoming Waves' point to a grander future for Ash. No band is an island, but Ash's peaks rise as tall as any other".

Drowned in sound

d. 6. June 2018



Marc Burrows

d. 6. June 2018

"This is a slick, confident, emotionally mature and balanced album, crammed with zingers, from a band who know their territory like the back of their hands".