Music / blues


Reviews (5)

Blues rock review

d. 16. May 2019



Steve Ovadia

d. 16. May 2019

"Nothing strays too far from standard blues and blues rock fare, which, by sticking to the familiar, allows Ingram to execute everything perfectly. If his talent somehow plateaus right where it is right now, Ingram has an incredible career in front of him. But if his playing and songwriting evolve, as I strongly suspect they will, we're in for some real genre-changing music from a smart, talented artist. I can't wait to hear more".

Blues blast magazine

d. 31. May 2019



Steve Jones

d. 31. May 2019

"Many of the live shows and songs I've seen Kingfish do are really wild and have some over the top guitar here and there. The work here is much more restrained and yet is equally enjoyable (if not better) ... The vocal and guitar work here is clean, precise and very well done. The guitar is restrained but effective. The solos are not overdone and showcase the skills of this fine young musician. It really is a great CD and Kingfish Ingram really has grown up to become a superb bluesman. I recommend this one highly!".

npr music

d. 9. May 2019



Tom Moon

d. 9. May 2019

"It's almost like he's singing through the guitar: Every utterance, every little ghost phrase, is rendered with exactitude. He might be landing on the low-down dirty notes, but he's hitting them cleanly. In a way that breathes mighty new life into worn-out guitar-showman cliches. This emphasis on crisp execution makes literally every Ingram solo on the album a dramatic event. On the up-tempo stuff, he tears through blistering lines with the easygoing assurance of a road-dog veteran. Then when it's slow-blues time, he makes the guitar moan".


2019 August



Frank-John Hadley

2019 August

"Alligator has every right to be excited about releasing the first album by this cherubic 20-year-old from Clarksdale, Mississippi. Ingram leaves it all in the studio. His guitar strives to encompass the kind of catharsis that marked the work of past label exemplars Michael Burks and Luther Allison, and his vocals are on their way to having emotional heft. Going to Nashville and recording with producer-drummer Tom Hambridge might have resulted in a safe cruise-control session, but no. Hambridge is temperamentally attuned to Ingram's edgier impulses, and real heart went into their shared songwriting".

Living blues

2019 June



Wayne Goins

2019 June

"His mature vocal style ultimately belies his young baby face, while his wicked, wide vibrato betrays his worldly ways around the neck of the guitar. His self-titled debut album, Kingfish, reveals he's a triple threat as an accomplished instrumentalist, vocalist, and songwriter ... Alligator Records owner Bruce Iglauer has done it again - he's paired a top-notch producer [Tom Hambridge] with the heralded arrival of a guitarist who is, by any measure, one of the brightest new stars of his generation".