
Leçons de ténèbres

Reviews (5)

BBC music magazine

2013 June



Kate Bolton

2013 June

"The two singers complement each other beautifully in the final setting, Kielland's reedy voice, with its somewhat androgynous quality, throwing Sampson's crystalline soprano into high relief and adding a slight edginess that prevents the performances from becoming too saccharine".

Fono Forum

2017 Februar



Reinmar Emans

2017 Februar

"Auch wenn das britische Ensemble La Nuova Musica oft für seine vitalen Interpretationen gerühmt wird, so kann es offenkundig auch bessinnlich traurige Affekte sehr intensiv umsetzen".


2016, nr. 43



Esben Tange (f. 1961)

2016, nr. 43

"I de to første Leçons de Ténébres, der er for solosang og basso continuo, brillerer de britiske sopraner Lucy Crowe og Elizabeth Watts. Med slanke fleksible stemmer træder de op som linedanserinder i en musikalsk balancegang, der på samme tid er svævende og drømmende ... Albummet afsluttes med Brossards Stabat Mater, der er barokmusik med romantisk sødme ... Det britiske ensemble La Nuova Musica ledet af David Bates [formidler] denne sjældne franske musik med al ønskelig elan".

The gramophone

2013 May



Julie Anne Sadie

2013 May

"The range of works included across the two discs makes this new set self-recommending. Prospective purchasers, though, can also be assured that individual performances are near, or at, the top of the three".

International record review

2013 May



Marc. Rochester

2013 May

"Here the delightful purity and seeming weightlessness of Sampson's voice, is perfectly complemented by the warmer character of the Norwegian mezzo-soprano".