Music / operafilm

Les vêpres siciliennes

Reviews (4)


2015, nr. 37



Andrew Mellor

2015, nr. 37

"Sangen næsten hele vejen igennem er strålende, og Antonio Pappano trækker alt, hvad han kan fra partituret. Bryan Hymels ... sirupsagtige tenor er altid fuld af følelse ... Lianna Haroutounian er en opdagelse som Hélène, hendes toner rammer plet og tindrer i højden ... Alle sammen agerer overbevisende og dygtigt".

BBC music magazine

2015 June



Anne Picard

2015 June

"Pappano draws some exquisitely supple playing from the strings and woodwind, holding plenty of energy in reserve for the grand confrontations and choruses where the brass blaze with Berlioz-like ferocity. Pappano's skill inteasing tension from a dramaturgically uneven work is not matched by Herheim ... [Hymel] takes the laurels for delivering an emotionally truthful and sophisticatedly sung performance".

Fono Forum

2015 April



Manuel Brug

2015 April

"Stefan Herheim hat das 2013 an der Covent Garden Opera in London in einer rauschhaft oppulenten, dabei zielgenauen Inszenierung zu steigern gewusst: im Geist der Oper al gigantische Illusionsmaschine des 19. Jahrhunderts. Was freilich ohne die wunderbar bunte, dunkel grlühende und brillant strahlende Dirigentleistung Antonio Pappanos nicht möglich gewesen wäre".

The gramophone

2015 June



Mike Ashman

2015 June

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Getting a grand opera on a grand opera-house stage costumed at the time of its premiere has been done before - but has rarely felt so apt as here ... Musically we're on an almost permanent cloud nine. Pappano gets huge power and tension from the ensemble, and paces the long evening to perfection ... Sound and balance are good, and the filming has a real sense of the style of the show ... Hugely recommended".