Music / folkemusik

Live at Engelsholm Castle

Reviews (2)

Roots zone

d. 14. Feb. 2020



Nils Thorlund

d. 14. Feb. 2020

"Repertoiret er akustisk med rødder i primært traditionel svensk musik, men hovedparten af stykkerne er nyskrevne af Stenbäck selv. Andre komponister har også bidraget, ligesom enkelte traditionelle stykker har fået plads ... Ekvilibrisme er måske et voldsomt ord, men alle fire musikeres såvel teknisk som musikalsk særdeles høje niveau fuldender oplevelsen af et stærkt bud på nutidig traditionelt funderet musik. Bragr har skabt et fint album. Ganske enkelt".





Chris Nickson


"Live albums can create and cement an artist's reputation. When they manage to fully capture the intense, sweaty atmosphere of a gig, they're electrifying, as James Brown discovered decades ago. While the audience can make a live disc with their energy, sometimes their enthusiasm can be go over top - as it does here with the clapping out of time that opens this album from the Danish/Swedish quarter Bragr. It's unfortunate, but once it passes, the music really takes over and soars. It's certainly an ambitious gesture to record a live concert for your second release, but musically it pays off handsomely ... The music is wonderful. It lifts the heart. But if they repeat the experiment, I hope they stop the audience from trying to clap along".