Music / kammermusik

Motets, anthems, fantasias & voluntaries

Reviews (4)

The guardian

d. 25. July 2012



Andrew Clemens

d. 25. July 2012

"The beautifully played and sung sequence he [Richard Egarr] has devised for the Academy of Ancient Music and its Choir alternates anthems and motets with organ voluntaries (performed by Egarr) and fantasias for two violins, bass viol and organ ... The instrumental pieces are wonderfully imaginative, but it's the choral works that stand out with their startling modulations and expressively charged vocal lines".

Fono Forum

2012 Oktober



Reinmar Emans

2012 Oktober

"Werden die Vokalstücke schon auf sehr hohem Niveau präsentiert, so gilt dies erst recht für die beiden Suiten, von denen vor allem die in F ein kammermusikalisches Juwel darstellt ... Eine tolle Entdeckung!".

The gramophone

2012 October



Fabrice Fitch

2012 October

"Perhaps the most distinctive of all is the keyboard music ... And it's here also that Egarr's musicianship is at its most compelling ... For the instrumental music, Egarr is joined by soloists of unimpeachable credentials ... The invention is of high order, the playing superb ... The choir and vocalists give the impression of being a pick-up ensemble that hasn't quite gelled ... Don't let that put you off, however: the monographic approach tends to expose composers of lesser substance but Gibbons junior passes the test admirably".

International record review

2012 September



Simon Heighes

2012 September

"Egarr has put together a rather charming musical portrait of Gibbons junior ... With Frescobaldian flair, Egarr makes the most of the four substantial pieces he plays here ... In the fantasy-suites violinists ... offer such luxuriant tone and finely inflected phrasing that they're in danger of smoothing away too many of the rough edges. So, we meet Christopher Gibbons here in his silky doctoral robe rather than his scruffy ale-house hessian ... A chip off the old block, certainly, and no mere splinter either. A real discovery and an exceptionally rewarding recording".