Music / rock

Music from another dimension

Reviews (6)





Stephen Thomas Erlewine


"Aerosmith truly show their age by the very nature of the album itself. Simply put, nobody makes albums like this any more. Nobody breaks the bank attempting to make a rock album that's everything to everyone ... It may lack a single (...) but it faithfully follows Aerosmith's '90s blueprint, getting nothing wrong but never quite feeling right".

The observer

d. 4. Nov. 2012



Kitty Empire

d. 4. Nov. 2012

"It's hard to avoid the impression that Aerosmith might indeed be phoning it in after 42 years, despite the cameos from Johnny Depp on Freedom Fighter and Julian Lennon on Luv XXX, and the recall of their 70s producer, Jack Douglas. "It sounds like dinosaurs eating cars," promises guitarist Joe Perry. In reality, too much of Music... veers towards chewy chart balladry and away from the amusing blues rockers where American Idol judge Steven Tyler manoeuvres his mic stand around with a scarf".

Gaffa [online]

d. 6. Nov. 2012



Keld Rud

d. 6. Nov. 2012

" Havde Aerosmith lært samme lektie som rivalerne i Kiss, vist de professionelle sangsmede porten og fokuseret på det, de gør bedst, ville Music From Another Dimension have været en fornøjelse, der på ingen måde var blandet".

The guardian

d. 1. Nov. 2012



Michael Hann

d. 1. Nov. 2012

"If 2012 has been a vintage year for elderly rock bands - ZZ Top, Rush and Kiss have returned with albums recalling their peaks - no one seems to have told Aerosmith the golden rule: make sure you remind your listeners of the 1970s. Instead, Music from Another Dimension! goes heavy on the insipid power ballads that characterised their commercial revival in the early 90s ... Aerosmith's return sounds like a band realising they need to be present, but not really sure how to be".


d. 12. Nov. 2012



Henning Høeg

d. 12. Nov. 2012

"Aerosmiths første studie-album i 11 år er et sært miks af skæg og snot. Men 'Music From Another Dimension' er alligevel et lyt værd".


d. 27. Dec. 2012



Simon Lund

d. 27. Dec. 2012

"På det første studiealbum i 11 år, 42 år efter at guitarist Joe Perry og forsanger Steven Tyler første gang fandt sammen i bandet, kan man høre det knirke i sprækkerne. Af træthed ... Deres 15. album, der lyder endimensionalt og som et sjasket aftryk af sange, de har skrevet før. Tilsat forfærdelige korarrangementer. Ikke ligefrem musik fra en anden dimension".