Music / rock

Not for music

Reviews (3)

Angry metal guy

d. 16. Jan. 2017




d. 16. Jan. 2017

"Discomfort begets growth, after all. And what can be more uncomfortable than atonal, ambient black metal? And few do weird as well as Belgium's Emptiness. In 2014, they caught my attention, thanks to Jean-Luc Ricard`s stellar coverage of Nothing but the Whole. A grotesque, otherworldly experience, Whole garnered a ton of press and attention, and its follow-up, Not for Music, continues down stranger, weirder roads usually untraveled".


d. 21. Jan. 2017



Henrik Østergaard

d. 21. Jan. 2017

"Er der retfærdighed til, bliver Emptiness' 'Not for Music' et tilløbstykke for alle metalhoveder med nysgerrige ører. Den er ikke er som de fleste plader, og netop det fremmede er dens styrke".

Distorted Sound

d. 26. Jan. 2017



Matt Corcoran

d. 26. Jan. 2017

"At first glance, EMPTINESS may seem an uncharacteristically atmospheric addition to the black/death genre, but the open-minded may find a lot to like about them, at least before the ideas that individualise them begin to cause their downfall ... emphasising the wrong aspects of their sound cause EMPTINESS' sonic shtick to wear thin as the album progresses, before becoming flat out detrimental".