Music / rock


Reviews (14)

d. 30. Jan. 2012



Carsten Fjølner

d. 30. Jan. 2012

"Fornemt andet udspil fra irsk sangerinde ... Damien Rice's tidligere sidekick Lisa Hannigan har med Passenger taget et stort skridt frem ... Passenger er produceret af ingen ringere end Joe Henry og de to har sammen skruet et album sammen, der handler om at rejse ... Produktionen er knivskarp og Hannigans vokal smukkere end nogensinde. Den er mestendels blid og længselsfuld at lytte til, og passer derfor perfekt til tekstuniverset. "Home" indledes med noget, der kunne være fra et Coldplay- eller Keane-nummer - og keyboardet, der er et gennemgående tema i det nummer gør, at netop de to hele tiden spøger i baggrunden ... På albummets øvrige numre er der skruet ned for det storladne, hvorimod tempoet ofte er højere end man ville have forventet af Lisa Hannigan. "Knots" og "What'll I Do" er nærmest løsslupne i deres udtryk".

The telegraph

d. 17. Oct. 2011



Martin Chilton

d. 17. Oct. 2011

"Lisa Hannigan is on confident form in her second solo release since the split from Damien Rice, with whom she sang and toured for seven years. She skips buoyantly across styles in Passenger, which is full of songs written while on the road touring, which helps explain the transient mood and wistful nostalgia that infuses the album ... Broken loves, heartache, friendship and loss are all woven into the 10 songs, which show off Hannigan's ability to pen a biting turn of phrase, too".

Rolling stone

d. 8. Nov. 2011



Will Hermes

d. 8. Nov. 2011

"Her voice is light and agile, her phrasing like exquisite plumage, and her folksy songs move with deceptive power, sailing on guitars, strings and Irish drama".





James Christopher Monger


"Irish singer/songwriter Lisa Hannigan's second studio album, the lush yet hushed and evocative Passenger, firmly establishes the former Damien Rice accompanist as a formidable solo artist in her own right. Bolder than her 2009 Mercury Prize-nominated debut and cut with an effortless blend of defiance and sweetness, the ten-track collection stays true to Hannigan's folksy roots while establishing a more expansive pop sound. Throughout it all, it's her mercurial voice that dominates, a croon that can go from the whispery, back-of-the-throat moan of Jesse Sykes and Vashti Bunyan to the crystal-clear, goosebump-inducing rallying cries of Florence + the Machine and Sandy Denny in a heartbeat ... Solid yet understated, it's Hannigan's obvious gift for melody, tasteful arrangements, and remarkably emotive elocution (when her voice breaks, the heart follows suit) that keeps Passenger afloat".

Gaffa [online]

d. 16. Jan. 2012



Finn P. Madsen

d. 16. Jan. 2012

"Den stormfulde Home åbner fejende flot, hvor Hannigans sarte vokal smyger sig fint om de skurrende violiner. Knots er up-tempo blues forklædt som folk, mens duetten O Sleep med Ray Lamontagne er en lille drømmende romantisk perle. Som passager på Lisa Hannigans dannelsesrejse går man trygt om bord. Indimellem kunne Passenger godt have lidt flere knaster at rive sig på, så spændingen kunne opretholdes".

The telegraph

d. 17. Oct. 2011



Martin Chilton

d. 17. Oct. 2011

"Lisa Hannigan is on confident form in her second solo release since the split from Damien Rice, with whom she sang and toured for seven years. She skips buoyantly across styles in Passenger, which is full of songs written while on the road touring, which helps explain the transient mood and wistful nostalgia that infuses the album ... Broken loves, heartache, friendship and loss are all woven into the 10 songs, which show off Hannigan's ability to pen a biting turn of phrase, too".

Gaffa [online]

d. 16. Jan. 2012



Finn P. Madsen

d. 16. Jan. 2012

"Den stormfulde Home åbner fejende flot, hvor Hannigans sarte vokal smyger sig fint om de skurrende violiner. Knots er up-tempo blues forklædt som folk, mens duetten O Sleep med Ray Lamontagne er en lille drømmende romantisk perle. Som passager på Lisa Hannigans dannelsesrejse går man trygt om bord. Indimellem kunne Passenger godt have lidt flere knaster at rive sig på, så spændingen kunne opretholdes".

Rolling stone

d. 8. Nov. 2011



Will Hermes

d. 8. Nov. 2011

"Her voice is light and agile, her phrasing like exquisite plumage, and her folksy songs move with deceptive power, sailing on guitars, strings and Irish drama".

d. 30. Jan. 2012



Carsten Fjølner

d. 30. Jan. 2012

"Fornemt andet udspil fra irsk sangerinde ... Damien Rice's tidligere sidekick Lisa Hannigan har med Passenger taget et stort skridt frem ... Passenger er produceret af ingen ringere end Joe Henry og de to har sammen skruet et album sammen, der handler om at rejse ... Produktionen er knivskarp og Hannigans vokal smukkere end nogensinde. Den er mestendels blid og længselsfuld at lytte til, og passer derfor perfekt til tekstuniverset. "Home" indledes med noget, der kunne være fra et Coldplay- eller Keane-nummer - og keyboardet, der er et gennemgående tema i det nummer gør, at netop de to hele tiden spøger i baggrunden ... På albummets øvrige numre er der skruet ned for det storladne, hvorimod tempoet ofte er højere end man ville have forventet af Lisa Hannigan. "Knots" og "What'l I Do" er nærmest løsslupne i deres udtryk".





James Christopher Monger


"Irish singer/songwriter Lisa Hannigan's second studio album, the lush yet hushed and evocative Passenger, firmly establishes the former Damien Rice accompanist as a formidable solo artist in her own right. Bolder than her 2009 Mercury Prize-nominated debut and cut with an effortless blend of defiance and sweetness, the ten-track collection stays true to Hannigan's folksy roots while establishing a more expansive pop sound. Throughout it all, it's her mercurial voice that dominates, a croon that can go from the whispery, back-of-the-throat moan of Jesse Sykes and Vashti Bunyan to the crystal-clear, goosebump-inducing rallying cries of Florence + the Machine and Sandy Denny in a heartbeat ... Solid yet understated, it's Hannigan's obvious gift for melody, tasteful arrangements, and remarkably emotive elocution (when her voice breaks, the heart follows suit) that keeps Passenger afloat".

BBC music

d. 11. Oct. 2011



David Sheppard

d. 11. Oct. 2011

"With the release of Passenger, Hannigan [signals] the arrival of a mature singer-songwriter possessed of an idiosyncratic yet thoroughly accessible gift ... Passenger proffers 10 by turns vigorous and softly spun essays on "journeys", both literal and metaphorical, couched in often lavish but oddly askew chamber arrangements that can strum up a storm or weave delicate filigrees while always circumventing Celtic or generic folk-rock cliché. At its core lies Hannigan's voice, a thing of velvety, husky seduction, able to invoke innocence and world-weariness with equal alacrity (sometimes both simultaneously), oscillating deliriously between kittenish, Beth Gibbons-like mewl, soaring, Emmylou Harris descant and introverted Joni Mitchell-ism, while always retaining her own, slightly puckish identity ... For all its deft arrangements and catchy chorus hook lines, Passenger feels unforced, spontaneous and timeless".

BBC music

d. 11. Oct. 2011



David Sheppard

d. 11. Oct. 2011

"With the release of Passenger, Hannigan [signals] the arrival of a mature singer-songwriter possessed of an idiosyncratic yet thoroughly accessible gift ... Passenger proffers 10 by turns vigorous and softly spun essays on "journeys", both literal and metaphorical, couched in often lavish but oddly askew chamber arrangements that can strum up a storm or weave delicate filigrees while always circumventing Celtic or generic folk-rock cliché. At its core lies Hannigan's voice, a thing of velvety, husky seduction, able to invoke innocence and world-weariness with equal alacrity (sometimes both simultaneously), oscillating deliriously between kittenish, Beth Gibbons-like mewl, soaring, Emmylou Harris descant and introverted Joni Mitchell-ism, while always retaining her own, slightly puckish identity ... For all its deft arrangements and catchy chorus hook lines, Passenger feels unforced, spontaneous and timeless".


d. 13. Feb. 2012



Simon Lund

d. 13. Feb. 2012

"Med sange som triste eftermiddage pakket ind i dunkle strøg fra celloen på 'Nowhere to go' eller som poetisk hjertesorgrejser fra Chicago til Texas på titelnummerets prikkende countrypop. En enkelt gang bliver humøret trukket op til et lille smil under lukkede øjne med den kækt smittende melodi 'What'll I do'. Den stråler over alle de andre med rytmisk krudt og en lille trille i omkvædet, man kan gå og nynne hele dagen. Uden at blive lige så træt af det, som man bliver af de klagende strygere, der danner modvægt til stemmens undersøgende ornamentik. Rigtigt gribende bliver det aldrig".


d. 13. Feb. 2012



Simon Lund

d. 13. Feb. 2012

"Med sange som triste eftermiddage pakket ind i dunkle strøg fra celloen på ' Nowhere to go' eller som poetisk hjertesorgrejser fra Chicago til Texas på titelnummerets prikkende countrypop.En enkelt gang bliver humøret trukket op til et lille smil under lukkede øjne med den kækt smittende melodi ' What'll I do'. Den stråler over alle de andre med rytmisk krudt og en lille trille i omkvædet, man kan gå og nynne hele dagen. Uden at blive lige så træt af det, som man bliver af de klagende strygere, der danner modvægt til stemmens undersøgende ornamentik. Rigtigt gribende bliver det aldrig".