Musik / klaverkoncerter

Piano concertos : K467, K491

Anmeldelser (31)





James Leonard


"While one cannot but praise pianist Jonathan Biss' superb performances of Mozart's Piano Concertos Nos. 21 and 22 for their graceful tone and elegant articulation, arguably the best music making here is done by the accompanying orchestra, the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. Again and again, the poise of their balances, the effortlessness of their ensemble, the characterfulness of their solos and the sheer joy in their playing steals the listener's attention away from the soloist. This is not to say that Biss is less than splendid".

2019 June



Antony Hodgson

2019 June

"Jean-Efflam Bavouzet takes a direct approach to Mozart and Gábor Takács-Nagy is an ideal partner in providing a positive orchestral contribution ... This is an exceptionally sympathetic reading of one of Mozart's supreme creations ... K466 is the more serious and powerful of these Concertos and Takács-Nagy brings drama to the extensive introduction ... The two Finales find pianist and conductor taking a swift view and this is fitting in the context of the interpretations yet there is an impression of haste rather than speed".

DR musik

2013 uge 06



Jens Cornelius

2013 uge 06

"Vurdering: Ugens cd" - "Norden har fået en ny klaverstjerne i form af den norske pianist Christian Ihle Hadland. Han er 29 år og står midt i sit internationale gennembrud ... På den nye cd kan man for første gang høre ham spille med orkester. Hadland er helt på hjemmebane med Oslo Filharmonikerne og to af sine yndlingskoncerter af Mozart ... Der er en sjælden renfærdighed og ømhed i Hadlands spil ... og man kan høre en poetisk frihed, der ellers bedst opleves på gamle indspilninger med fortidens pianister".

MusicWeb international

2019 July



Brian Wilson (musikanmelder)

2019 July

"Earlier volumes in this ongoing series have won praise all round ... With the latest pair of concertos, competition is much stiffer ... The chief feature of Bavouzet's playing is the preciseness of his touch throughout ... The accompaniment, too, from the Manchester Camerata, is much lighter than ... anything I've heard ... It's Brautigam and Willens if I'm in the mood for period-instrument Mozart ... But I also want to hear modern-instrument Mozart and for that Bavouzet and Takács-Nagylook set to be preferred in future".


d. 15. okt. 2008



John Christiansen

d. 15. okt. 2008

"Jonathan Biss kommer ikke derop, hvor han burde høre til ... Det er gennemført korrekt, pænt og nydeligt, men der sker fortvivlende lidt".

Berlingske tidende

d. 28. okt. 2008



Søren Schauser

d. 28. okt. 2008

"Jonathan Biss spiller to af hans [Mozart] bedste klaverkoncerter forbløffende godt - meget bedre end hans ellers lidt anonyme karriere har lagt op til. Den unge amerikaner kommer hele vejen rundt i følelsernes register. At han spiller på et moderne flygel gør intet denne gang. Til gengæld lever det dirigentløse orkester ikke rigtigt op til hans farverigdom".


d. 30. sep. 2008



Thomas Michelsen

d. 30. sep. 2008

"Det er næsten, så musikken bliver elastisk, så samdrægtigt og levende fraserer de Mozarts koncert. Man mærker ikke savnet af en dirigent, hverken i præcision eller dynamik ... Der er kant og dramatik som efter skræddermål i indledningen til klaverkoncert i Es-dur nr. 22. Fløjterne lyder af fløjter, hornene af horn, og selv om vi ikke er i originalinstrumentland, er vi i overordentlig kønne musikalske egne ... Her er nuancer nok til mange genhør".


d. 23. juli 2013



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 23. juli 2013

"Hadlands anslag er hele tiden så delikat, at klaverstemmen bliver blød og drømmende - uden at han på noget tidspunkt mister det fokuserede blik for rytmen i de mange rækker af skalatoner, der omsvøber de udødelige melodier ... Nr. 21, der i dag kaldes Elvira Madigan, burde være umulig at puste nyt liv i, men det lykkes smukt for Hadland ... Nr. 22 i Es-dur er anderledes søgende i sin natur - uden helt den samme hitkarakter. I stedet bliver der disket op med leg og musik med kort afstand til smilet i samme høje kvalitet, hvor man roligt nyder det normalt brede symfoniorkester i en nænsom, varmt spillende udgave".


d. 8. apr. 2013



Jens Povlsen

d. 8. apr. 2013

"Hadland spiller sig fløjlsblødt og boblende gennem Mozarts livfulde klaverpoesi. Men det er også Mozart, som man er vant til at høre ham - overstrømmende og blankpoleret, men uden nok plads i fortællingerne og i grunden ret ufarlig".

BBC music magazine

2008 October



Misha Donat

2008 October

"No matter how many version of these great works you already have, you should definitely consider making room in your collection for this one".


2008 octobre



Jérôme Bastianelli

2008 octobre

"En outre, les occasions ne manquent pas d'entendre les couleurs orchestrales brillantes de l'Orpheus (par example dans le mouvement lent du KV 482), même si, parfois, les contrastes sont un peu rudes entre un piano léger et tout en souplesse, et des tutti plus épais".

BBC music magazine

2013 July



Misha Donat

2013 July

"Christian Hadland is a pianist of admirable clarity and poise, but his approach to these two great concertos remains disappointingly unimaginative".

Fono Forum

2013 Dezember



Christoph Vratz

2013 Dezember

"Vurdering: Tipp" - "Diese Aufnahme bewahrt all ihren Charme nicht nur nach dreimaligem Hören, vermutlich noch nach Jahren".

Fono Forum

2007 Februar



Attila Csampai

2007 Februar

"Bei aller feinen Grazilität, Schlankheit und perlenden Liquidität seines mühelosen Tastenzaubers fehlen mir dann doch die hinter aller Lebenslust lauernde Todesnähe und eben die einzigartige Hell-Dunkel-Balance dieser Zaubermusik, die ihre letzten Geheimnisse für sich behält".

BBC music magazine

2023 May



Nicholas Kenyon

2023 May

"Levin uses a copy ... of a fortepiano by Anton Walter similar to Mozart's own instrument. In the C major Concerto the piano dances and sparkles under Levin's featherlight touch ... and the soloist emerges from the ensemble rather than competing with it ... In the darker C minor Concerto there are more challenges ... but the central Larghetto, like the famous Andante of the C major, is lifted with a light-toned eloquence that is very touching".

Fono Forum

2023 Oktober



Matthias Hengelbrock

2023 Oktober


2019 septembre



Jérôme Bastianelli

2019 septembre

BBC music magazine

2019 August



Misha Donat

2019 August

"Concerto choice: This is altogether a really fine performance ... Bavouzet uses the ubiquitous Beethoven cadenzas for K466, while for its C major companion-piece K467 he opts for the examples by Friedrich Gulda, whose recording of the work has been a seminal influence on him ... Emulating Gulda, Bavouzet makes the melody float freely while maintaining the throbbing rhythm in the left hand ... Takács-Nagy and the Manchester Camerata are thoroughly in tune with Bavouzet, and the recording is first-rate".


d. 18. okt. 2002


d. 18. okt. 2002


d. 17. okt. 1999


d. 17. okt. 1999

The gramophone

2013 April



Richard Wigmore

2013 April

"There is grace and delicacy aplenty in the Allegros, with a delightful sense of collusion between Hadland and the excellent Oslo woodwind ... For my taste - and it does boil down to taste - he rather underestimates the grandeur of both opening movements ... That said, pleasure in Hadland's performances far outweighs any provisos. Nothing he does is routine, and he always understands the essential vocal nature of Mozart's inspiration".

The gramophone

2014 March



David Threasher

2014 March

"Vogt's innate thoughtfulness and sensitivity as a Mozartian ... Paavo Järvi and his Frankfurt broadcasting band prove a perfect fit".

International record review

2014 March



Nicholas Salwey

2014 March

"This is Vogt's first foray into the Mozart piano concertos and he has chosen first-rate collaborators ... From the opening bars of K467 one hears exquisite detail, an historically informed approach with a small orchestra ... Vogt's approach is entirely in keeping, with immaculate clarity of passagework ... There is a palpable joy to this music-making".

The gramophone

2007 March



Nalen Anthoni

2007 March

"Stefan Vladar might not be considered established but he is certainly erudite, and is not a nervous soloist/director ... Sound and balance are otherwise good; fortunately so because Vladar's musicianship merits the closests attention".


2010 novembre



Etienne Moreau

2010 novembre

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

The gramophone

2011 January



Nalen Anthoni

2011 January

"Zacharias's recording has the edge on depth ... This performance is excellent ... A most desirable disc".

International record review

2010 November



Nigel Simeone

2010 November

"Vurdering: IRR outstanding" - "Altogether, this is some of the most distinguished Mozart piano concerto playing, I've ever heard in recent years and the result s are outstanding".

The gramophone

2023 April



David Threasher

2023 April

"There can be few keyboard players more thoroughly drenched in Mozartian style than Levin, and his incursions - thoughtful, cheeky, inventive, resourceful - are always true to the spirit of the music".

The gramophone

2019 July



David Threasher

2019 July

"Editor's choice: Bavouzet and the Manchester Camerata are ideally poised in the fast music, with the conversational interplay between piano and woodwinds displaying the naturalness that is an evident hallmark of this cycle ... This series of discs is shaping up to be a serious front-runner in a cycle of works that has never wanted for fine recordings ... For this concerto pairing, there are few recordings as fine".

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